Lusaka promises to hire non-permanent teachers on county payroll

He said most earn peanuts despite offering same services like those employed by TSC

In Summary
  • He said most of those teachers are paid peanuts despite offering same services like those hired by the Teachers Service Commission.
  • Lusaka also promised to include teachers in his cabinet if elected.
Senate speaker kenneth luska with Bungoma Women Rep Catherine Wambilianga during a teachers meeting.
lusaka Senate speaker kenneth luska with Bungoma Women Rep Catherine Wambilianga during a teachers meeting.
Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka during a teachers meeting
lusaka Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka during a teachers meeting

Bungoma Kenya Kwanza gubernatorial candidate Kenneth Lusaka has promised to absorb teachers hired through board of management into the county payroll.

Speaking during a thanksgiving ceremony for Bungoma Kuppet chair David Barasa, Lusaka said most schools were constrained in paying such teachers who were giving very valuable service and promised to absorb them in the counties as intern teachers if elected.

"To help schools financially constrained, I will ensure I include teachers who are not on permanent employment on county internship programmes."

He said most of those teachers are paid peanuts despite offering same services like those hired by the Teachers Service Commission.

Lusaka also promised to include teachers in his cabinet if elected.

"I included several teachers in my previous cabinet who delivered very well, I promise in consultations with your unions to include more teachers if elected," he said.

The Senate Speaker at the same time promised to better the county scholarship to include more students and make the process more transparent.

He rubbished claims he will do away with the scholarship if elected saying even the scholarship policy was drafted during his tenure.

“I am not a fool to scrap such a noble programme, what we are saying is that we will make it better, transparent and more accommodative  to even average students now that we have a 100 per cent transition.”

He said during his regime, he was the first governor to employ ECD teacher on permanent basis in the country.

Bungoma Women Rep Catherine Wambilianga also a national Kuppet official, hailed Lusaka for showing inclusivity in his previous government and urged him to consider more teachers if elected.

"We thank you for considering teachers in your previous cabinet we have confidence if elected you will not abandon teachers," she said.


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