Tharaka Nithi nurses ordered to stop strike

IT’S NOT OVER: Kenya National Union of Nurses Tharaka Nithi branch secretary Kennedy Micheni and nurses walk out of the Chuka District Hospital on Monday last week.
IT’S NOT OVER: Kenya National Union of Nurses Tharaka Nithi branch secretary Kennedy Micheni and nurses walk out of the Chuka District Hospital on Monday last week.

Tharaka Nithi nurses called of their strike on Wednesday following a court order obtained by the county government.

Kenya Union of Nurses branch secretary Kennedy Micheni disputed claims the strike was to benefit union officials.

“We have a court case and we are going to prove them wrong but until that time, we cannot share more details,” he told the Star on the phone on Wednesday.

“Nurses have resumed duty but we will continue pushing until our demands are addressed.”

Micheni said nurses will not back down on their demand for risk and house allowances.

Operations at public hospitals had been stalled when nurses went on strike on February 8.

Residents were forced to seek treatment at private hospitals.

Others opted to go to public hospitals in Meru and Embu counties.

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