Nakuru doctors on go-slow over delayed salaries

Doctors from Nakuru put there tools down. /FILE
Doctors from Nakuru put there tools down. /FILE

More than 200 doctors at public hospitals in Nakuru county are on a go-slow over delayed July salaries.

Their representative named Davji Atellah said the county went back on its promise to pay workers by the third of every month.

He is the South Rift Medical Practitioners and Dentist Union Secretary general.

Atellah warned of a crisis on Friday saying most of the public hospitals did not have drugs including antibiotics and painkillers.

Nakuru Level Five and Annex hospitals are among hospitals whose doctors are taking part in the go-slow.

The secretary general said by phone that Kuresoi North, Rongai and parts of Njoro were the most affected.

“Ikumbi health centre is at the boarder of Kuresoi North and South constituencies hence serves a big number but lacks basic facilities,” he said.

Thomas Ombati, the health centre's chairman said: “We have been sidelined in the budgetary allocation hence hampered in offering good services to patients."

"We require 16 medical practitioners. At the moment we only have one doctor and four nurses," he added.

The Kenya National Union of Nurses has also threated to strike due to delay of salaries.

The union said it will paralyse services should their "frustration" over the frequent delay of salaries persisted.

County finance executive Anne Njenga said they were awaiting the Senate's approval of expenditure.

“The issue cuts across other counties. Employees were issued with a memo informing them of the delay of the salaries,” she said.

“The county has approved the budget estimates for financial year 2016/17 but they are yet to be approved by the Controller of Budget."

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