
Lightning strike kills two in Machakos

Three other victims are admitted at Mwingi Level 4 Hospital.

by The Star

News24 April 2022 - 11:52

In Summary

• “Thunderstorm accompanied by lightening was experienced in the area before the tragedy struck,” Musyoka said.

"Two of them, a man aged 46 and boy of 13 years, died on the spot after being struck."

Crime Scene

Two people have died after they were stuck by lightning in Machakos County.

The two died on the spot in the incident that occurred during heavy downpour at Kanyonga village in Masinga subcounty on Saturday, April 23.

Masinga assistant County Commissioner Veronica Musyoka said the incident occurred at 2.00 pm.

Musyoka said three other victims had been admitted at Mwingi Level 4 Hospital after they sustained injuries during the incident.

She said the deceased persons had reportedly sheltered at their neighbor’s home before lightning struck.

The area has been experiencing lightning and thunderstorm since Friday.

“Thunderstorm accompanied by lightening was experienced in the area before the tragedy struck,” Musyoka said.

The two died on the spot while the other three were rushed to hospital after complaining of severe headache.

Assistant chief Musyoka Kyengo said he was informed of the incident immediately after it happened.

"It was around 2.00 pm yesterday (Saturday) when I got information that lightning had struck one house where five people had sheltered," he said.

"Two of them, a man aged 46 and boy of 13 years, died on the spot after being struck. The other three were rushed to Mwingi Level 4 Hospital for treatment, they were greatly shaken," Kyengo said.

Bodies of the deceased were moved to Mbaku Funeral Home in Matuu.

The strike comes a few days after a family in Malaha village, in Bungoma County lost two of their kin in a lightning tragedy.

The duo Francisca Wabomba, 21, and Valary Naliaka, 13, were struck by lightning while heading home from a posho mill.

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