The way we see the world shapes the way we treat it and a river should be seen as one of the veins of the land and not dumpsite or waste disposal site.
The planet should be seen as our mother, not an opportunity-then we will treat our environment with great respect knowing we will get benefits. Pollution in Nairobi River, to be specific, is a serious ecological issue which can and might trigger an irreversible and catastrophic collapse in the planet’s life support system apart from the climate change, species extinction, deforestation and global warming.
We need to rediscover our biological place and learn to live in balance with the natural world that sustains us and see ourselves as part of the natural world; recognising that our biological nature determines our most basic needs, which all come from nature.
The destruction of the Nairobi River is surely driven much by the overarching crisis residing in the modern urban human mind and in values and beliefs from the people who dispose of wastes and effluent from the industries. Let’s not act blindly and only wait to react when media exposes the toxic pollution of our environment.
Just as we attempt to take responsibility for our health and bodies through diet and exercise, we have no choice when it comes to what is in our environment. We are all at different levels of awareness and sensitivity to the environment, but whatever stage we are at, we must educate ourselves and get involved.
It is my feeling and belief that people are ready to take responsibility but don’t want to feel foolish by trying while others are indifferent, or by taking steps that are simply token gestures but don’t add to any change.
Let’s look at the world from a different perspective.