Elevating Kenya's future through certified quality professional programme

It is designed to raise the bar of expertise to unprecedented heights.

In Summary
  • The CQP program stands unique, being Africa's first competence framework-based initiative.
  • It seeks to play a collaborative effort to nurture a new breed of professionals  who will champion the cause of quality across industries.
Image: OZONE

In the modern era, we stand at the convergence of rapidly evolving technological landscape and dynamic  socio-economic forces.

As such, the importance of fostering a culture of quality, professionalism and consistent growth has never been more critical.  

In this vein, the Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB) and the Kenya  Bureau of Standards (KEBS) are resolutely devoted to an ambitious aspiration - a vision that aims to bridge  the chasm between academic theory and practical reality.

This, while equipping the leaders of tomorrow with the skills they need to excel. 

Through a synergistic collaboration between KASNEB & KEBS, and other esteemed entities in the  professional and education sector, we have meticulously designed the Certified Quality Professional (CQP)  program.

The CQP program stands unique, being Africa's first competence framework-based initiative.

Beyond this distinction, it addresses a pressing need in the midst of a rapidly evolving professional landscape. 

At the heart of our nation's progress lies the commitment to deliver products and services that meet and  exceed international standards.

The CQP is a collaborative effort to nurture a new breed of professionals  who will champion the cause of quality across industries.

This program is designed to raise the bar of  expertise to unprecedented heights, equipping individuals with the skills, knowledge and vision to lead the charge in integrated quality assurance.

The CQP isn't just a certification; it's a statement of commitment as professionals who embark on this journey demonstrate their dedication to upholding the highest standards.

Rigorous training, comprehensive  examinations and practical assessments ensure that CQP-certified individuals possess the acumen to navigate the complexities of quality management.

Their expertise will not only drive businesses forward but also contribute to the nation's global reputation. 

The Competence Framework 

The CQP program, a confluence of lofty aspirations and pragmatic solutions, stands unrivaled.

This program  forms a compelling bridge over the prevailing skills gap, empowering quality professionals with necessary  competencies.

Set to disrupt the status quo, the CQP program paves the way for a transformative era for quality professionals across Africa.

At the heart of our quality management certification program, the competency framework encompasses six  crucial areas, each aimed at cultivating a firm culture of quality.

These include Quality Management Systems, Quality Leadership and Ethics, Quality Planning Risks and Opportunities Management, Quality Assurance and Control, Quality Performance Management, and Quality Improvement and Innovation. 

The CQP program emerges as more than just a curriculum; it serves as a catalyst for sustainable  development and quality enhancement.

Its inception marks a significant milestone in our journey towards this  vision.

As a beacon of light, it guides our path toward a future defined by quality, anchored on international best practices and standards.

This program equips professionals with the competencies, knowledge and  skills necessary for effective performance across both public and private sectors.

Ensuring Flexibility 

In the theater of change, resistance is a common companion. We understand that stakeholders may have  concerns, and we are prepared.

One such concern could be the Recognition for Prior Learning (RPL). But fret not, for the CQP program comes equipped with built-in criteria for exemption.

The second potential  concern is the mode of pursuing the program.

We have tackled this head-on, offering options for both tuition based (classroom-based) and self-paced learning, thus ensuring flexibility and accommodating diverse  learning styles and needs.

When you think of the CQP program, think of it as a beacon of hope in a sea of uniformity.

Its singularity lies  in being the first in Africa based on a competence framework. But more than that, it directly addresses a  current and urgent need.

It is a lifeline thrown to those caught in the whirlwind of an ever-evolving professional  landscape. 

As we navigate the contours of the 21st century, we acknowledge the paramount role of the youth in shaping  our nation's future.

By equipping them with entrepreneurial skills, we not only facilitate their personal and  professional growth, but also contribute to the backbone of our nation.

The CQP program, therefore, serves  as a springboard for molding a resilient, innovative and empowered generation that can tackle the challenges  of the future head-on. 

Journey Worth Joining 

This transformative journey is not ours to walk alone.

As we implement this groundbreaking curriculum, we invite all industry stakeholders to join us. Together, we can make this vision a resounding success, laying  the foundation for a future driven by quality and excellence.

This invitation extends to our partners in the  education sector, particularly the Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA) and the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA), who have played pivotal roles in this process.

Kenya is at a unique crossroads, as it continues to develop the National Quality Infrastructure Policy.

In this  context, the launch of the CQP curriculum serves as a beacon of progress, bridging a critical skills gap and heralding a new era of quality practitioners in Kenya and beyond our borders.

It reinforces our commitment  to aligning with international best practices and standards, and ensures our graduates will meet both national and global needs for competent human capital. 

As we embark on this remarkable journey, we are acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. However, we are equally cognizant of the boundless opportunities that await us.

In this era of rapid change and uncertainty, the CQP program serves as a compass, guiding us towards a future illuminated by quality, professionalism, and growth.

Redefining the Professional Landscape

This is more than a program; it is an instrument of change – a potent catalyst that will redefine the professional  landscape of Kenya, and by extension, the world.

We stand poised at the brink of an exciting new era, with  the tools, the vision, and the collective will to build a better future for us all. This is our time. This is our  moment. Let's embrace it. 

As we set forth on this journey, we do so with an unwavering belief in our collective potential and the  transformative power of collaboration.

We will kindle the dawn of a new era of quality, professionalism and  monumental growth in Kenya and beyond. And as we do so, may divine providence guide us all.  

We would wish that our readers, stakeholders, educators and potential students take a step towards transformation.

We want you to grasp the unique opportunity that the CQP program presents, and take that first step by registering via the KASNEB website for the inaugural examination cohort in  December 2023.

In doing so, you will not only be investing in your professional development but also  contributing to the tectonic shift towards quality, professionalism and consistent growth that is set to sweep across Kenya and beyond.

As we launch the Certified Quality Professional Programme, we invite all stakeholders; businesses,  educators, policymakers and citizens to join hands in this journey.

Let us embrace a future where quality  is not a choice but a way of life. Together, we can entrench the culture of quality in Kenya and beyond. 

Nicholas K. Letting’ is the Secretary/Chief Executive at KASNEB while  Esther Ngari is the Ag. Managing Director at the Kenya Bureau of Standards.

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