I won't be cowed in demanding accountability, says Kitui MCA

Kisangau says no explanation has been given on what became of the money allocated to projects

In Summary

• Kisangau Says he won't mind being stripped of his position as leader of government business in the assembly

• Wants Ngilu's administration to account for nearly Sh1 billion for projects not done

Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu and assembly minority leader John Kisangau
PARTING WAYS? Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu and assembly minority leader John Kisangau
Image: /Musembi Nzengu

Kitui assembly minority leader John Kisangau on Wednesday vowed to call the county government to account.

He said no amount of intimidation, including stripping him of his position as the leader of government business in the assembly, would cow him from demanding  accountability and transparency from Governor Charity Ngilu’s administration.

“I'm not ready to please those in power at the expense of the Kitui population. We have not seen any notable development from the county government in the just ended 2018-19 financial year,” Kisangau said on the phone.

He said no explanation has been given on what became of the money allocated to projects.

Kisangau said he is aware there were moves by Ngilu's handlers to organise meetings in his Kwa Vonza ward to smear and antagonise him. 

“Last weekend, I went public and questioned what became of nearly Sh1 billion that was allocated for CLIDP projects, ECDE classrooms and earth dams in 2018-19. I insist that I still need answers because the projects were not done,” he said.

Kisangau said accountability from the county government is not negotiable. 

He said Ngilu and her administration should explain to residents what became of the allocated Sh685 million for the Kitui Countу Communitу Level Infrastructure Programme (CLIDP), Sh200 million for earth dams and Sh40 million for ECDE classrooms in 2018-19.

“Those were projects that would have positively impacted on residents. The projects were not done and when I raise questions, I'm seen as fighting the government. I am dealing with facts and I want people to know the truth,” the MCA said.

Kasangau said he is unstoppable until public funds are used prudently.

“I will remain a thorn in the flesh of Ngilu’s administration until it properly accounts for public funds,” he said.

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