Ensure all Kandara homes get enough water, CS Wahome told

Say the provision of ample water for irrigation remains the only solution to food security.

In Summary

• They said the CS should expedite piping of water from Siranga Dam to all homes so they can use it for irrigation to enhance food security.

• Kinuthia said the majority of residents are suffering because of the drought and most can hardly afford a meal.

Maragua dam that will provide 15,000 cubic metres of water.
Maragua dam that will provide 15,000 cubic metres of water.
Image: Alice Waithera

Kandara residents and traders have urged Water CS Alice Wahome to ensure they get sufficient water for domestic use and irrigation.

Residents led by trader Ngacha Kinuthia said most homes in the constituency lack the commodity despite the region being a major source of water for Nairobi.

They said the CS should expedite piping of water from Siranga Dam to all homes so they can use it for irrigation to enhance food security.

"We are grateful to President William Ruto for appointing Wahome as the Water CS. We are optimistic that the perennial water problems that Kandara residents have been facing will be a thing of the past," Kinuthia said.

"We hope that the resources we have like the Siranga Dam will suffice so we can have sufficient water for farming." 

Before she was appointed CS, Wahome was Kandara MP.

Kinuthia, who's seeking to replace Wahome as the area MP in the by-election slated for January 5 next year, said the majority of residents are suffering because of the drought and most can hardly afford a meal.

"Our people are hungry and we are also pleading for relief food to cushion them from starvation. Provision of ample water for irrigation remains the only solution to food security. We know that the CS is up to to the task and together with the Kenya Kwanza administration they will prioritise construction of dams," he said.

Kinuthia spoke at Mugumoini village while distributing food rations to mothers under Wendani Women Group.

Resident Phyllis Nyokabi said the CS should ensure water sources in the region benefit residents before being pumped to the city.

"We recognise the efforts that the CS made as an MP to connect more Kandara homes with water. Our hopes are high now that she will complete the initiative and ensure all homesteads have an all-time flow of water," she said.

Kinuthia also urged the government to give Kandara youth first priority in jobs in the 1,700 affordable housing units project that will be put up in Makenji in the constituency.

He said this will help address joblessness and go a long way in addressing insecurity in the area.

"We believe that this will end crimes like theft of livestock and farm produce. Most of our youths are jobless and especially now that the Kazi Mtaani Programme has been abolished," he said.

Edited by A.N

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