Rice water canals in Mwea to be finished in 2 months

Project will be speeded up to avoid seepage and water loss, says PS

In Summary

• Out of the 2.4km of canals set to be lined, only 1.5km has been done thus far

• PS Kimotho said the state will ensure contractor completes it soonest possible

Construction of rice water Canal in progress at the Mwea Irrigation scheme.
Construction of rice water Canal in progress at the Mwea Irrigation scheme.

The government has pledged to fast-track the lining of rice water canals at the Mwea irrigation scheme to increase rice production.

Speaking on Monday when he toured Thiba dam and the expansive scheme, Irrigation PS Ephantus Kimotho said the project is key to food security.

“So far the contractor has done 1.5 km and has committed to do the remaining bit within a minimum period of two months, where 10 panels will be constructed every day,” he said.

This will help the government to fully realise its target of irrigating 35,000 acres, he said.

Kimotho assured the farmers that the government is hands on the project in bid to ensure that the contractor completes it within the shortest time possible to avoid seepage and water loss.

With the current operationalisation of Thiba dam, the 14,850 scheme farmers are already reaping the benefits of the dam, where 30,600 acres have been put under rice cultivation, up from 20,000 acres.

Additionally, the increase in rice production has led to the increase in the value of production from Sh10 billion to Sh18 billion annually, and subsequent creation of an additional 50,000 jobs, which translates to a cumulatively 175,000 jobs a year.

In addition, the canal project will help farmers comfortably undertake a double crop season, hence cultivating 70,000 acres per year.

The PS praised the scheme management for its effort to embrace mechanisation, saying it is cost effective as it will drastically reduce the cost of labour by 50 per cent.

Moreover, he said use of the modern machines will go a long way in improving the efficiency of rice farming as well as reduce post-harvest losses by more than 20 per cent.

For example, one rice combine harvester has the capability to harvest 15 acres of paddy rice per day, he said.

Kimotho said the government will continue improving and expanding projects that it has initiated in rice growing zones across the country.

The aim is to meet the growing demand and reduce the importation of rice.  

National Irrigation Authority chairman Gilbert Maluki assured farmers of the government’s commitment to ensuring they get value for their hard work.

It will provide essential resources for farming as well as a ready market for their produce, he said.

“Our mandate is to make sure that our farmers get their water efficiently and reliably,” Maluki said.

“With the new dam in place, I’m confident that a lot of farmers will have money in their pockets. From where I sit and with the help of the PS, we will ensure we create a platform for the off take of the farmers’ produce.”

The chairman said NIA is in discussion with various government agencies, who will purchase the produce, and as such encouraged the farmers to put effort in their farming

Kirinyaga Senator Kamau Murango said local leaders will continue pushing for the passage of the Rice Bill to secure markets for the farmers and protect them from exploitation as far as the payment of the produce is concerned.

Woman Representative Njeri Maina implored the government to promote the local farmers by purchasing their produce before placing orders from external markets.

In addition, she urged the government to address the sanitation needs of the local farmers to curb the spread of water-borne diseases.

MP Mary Maingi praised the government for its commitment in providing a ready market for the farmers as well as paying the farmer in time.

She said the canal project will aid in continuity of rice farming through water provision, thus doubling rice production.

Irrigation PS Ephantus Kimotho addresses the press during his visit to the Mwea irrigation scheme on Monday
Irrigation PS Ephantus Kimotho addresses the press during his visit to the Mwea irrigation scheme on Monday
Kimotho (In stripped shirt) operates a rice combine harvester during his visit
Kimotho (In stripped shirt) operates a rice combine harvester during his visit
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