10,000 residents to benefit from new medical lab in Gichugu

Laboratory will offer essential tests for diseases such as TB, Blood Sugar, and antenatal profiles

In Summary
  • Riakithiga Dispensary that has been serving over 10,000 residents, will now offer more comprehensive medical services.
  • This will save the residents from the inconvenience of being directed to other facilities such as Kerugoya Hospital or Kabare Health Centre.
Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru observes a specimen through a medical microscope during the launch of the Riakithiga medical laboratory in Gichugu.
Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru observes a specimen through a medical microscope during the launch of the Riakithiga medical laboratory in Gichugu.

Residents of Riakithiga in Kabare ward, Gichugu, are elated after Governor Anne Waiguru on Thursday opened a medical laboratory at Riakithiga Dispensary.

The dispensary that has been serving over 10,000 residents, will now offer more comprehensive medical services thus saving the residents from the inconvenience of being directed to other facilities such as Kerugoya Hospital or Kabare Health Centre.

Such referrals have at times been an impediment to timely diagnosis and treatment. 

Speaking when officially commissioning the laboratory, Waiguru said the impact of the facility extends beyond the immediate vicinity of Riakithiga, as it will also serve residents from neighbouring areas such as Ithare, Ngungu, Kabare, and part of Baragwi ward.

“By providing timely and reliable laboratory services to the community, the health and well-being of thousands of individuals will be greatly enhanced,” she said.

The new laboratory will offer essential tests for diseases such as TB, Blood Sugar, and antenatal profiles, contributing significantly to disease detection and early intervention.

“The opening of this laboratory marks a milestone in a series of healthcare initiatives in Kirinyaga. As the 9th health facility to be completed among 20 dispensary and health centre projects, it signifies our commitment to improving healthcare accessibility for all Kirinyaga people,” added Waiguru.

Previously operationalised facilities, including Kiamwathi, Kianjiru, Joshua Mbai, Kamwana, Umoja, Kiaumbui, Matandara, and Mucagara, have already had a positive impact on their communities.

The governor noted that with a focus on developing and upgrading healthcare facilities, the government aims to save citizens from the burden of long-distance travel and excessive expenditures in search of medical services.

By reducing the need for referrals and enhancing primary healthcare services at local dispensaries, the overall morbidity and mortality rates in the catchment areas are expected to decline.

In addition to the Riakithiga laboratory, the elevation of the Kerugoya County Referral Hospital from Level 4 to Level 5 and the ongoing upgrading of Kianyaga and Kimbimbi Hospitals to Level 4 facilities demonstrate the County government's dedication to providing comprehensive medical services to its citizenry.

To further support healthcare initiatives, Waiguru said the implementation of the Hospital Management Information System has enabled more effective management of medical supplies and resources in the connected facilities.

The governor said beyond infrastructure development, the county government is placing emphasis on promoting healthy communities through public education on disease prevention and control. To empower Community Health Promoters and strengthen their roles, a monthly stipend of Sh5,000 will be provided, along with medical kits to facilitate basic tests.

At the same time Waiguru distributed High-Density Polethylene pipes for the Rukenya Irrigation Water project which will benefit around 1,000 people who will now be able to efficiently transport water from River Thiba to their farms.

Availability of irrigation water will reduce dependency on rainfall and increase the production of horticultural crops including tomatoes, French beans, vegetables, and maize.

“This financial year, the county government is planning to spend Sh293.4 million on various projects including rehabilitation of Mwea irrigation scheme canals, Rwamukia, Sorothimu, Kiandura, and Kegeki water projects, which will likely have a positive impact on water availability in these areas,” said Waiguru while distributing the pipes.

She also said the planned construction of South Ngarima-Murinduko, Nyamindi, and Gikumbo dams will significantly increase land under irrigation, allowing for greater crop production and potentially benefiting more farmers.

On the decision to streamline the management of water companies by putting them under the County government, Waiguru said the move was in compliance with the Water Act 2016.

She added that it will make water companies eligible for funding from donors that exclusively partner with governments, which could lead to further improvements in water supply and service delivery.

She reiterated her administration’s commitment to providing accessible and quality water for domestic and irrigation use for county residents.

Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru flanked by County and medical officials cutting a ribbon to signify the official opening of the Riakithiga medical laboratory in Gichugu.
Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru flanked by County and medical officials cutting a ribbon to signify the official opening of the Riakithiga medical laboratory in Gichugu.
A medic examining the blood pressure of Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru during the official opening of the Riakithiga laboratory in Gichugu.
A medic examining the blood pressure of Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru during the official opening of the Riakithiga laboratory in Gichugu.
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