Family finally seeks help after girl, seven, molested by grandpa

Crime one and a half years ago, the family posted suspect's bond but can't treat girl in pain.

In Summary

• The girl's grandmother said she was unable to raise funds for an MRI and possibly surgery at Murang'a Level 5 hospital. The rest of the family says they have no money. 

• The girl is in pain. The family surrendered a title deed to free the grandfather. 

The homestead of a family whose seven-year- granddaughter was molested last year in Kitune village, Maragua, Murang'a county
The homestead of a family whose seven-year- granddaughter was molested last year in Kitune village, Maragua, Murang'a county
Image: Alice Waithera


One year and five months ago, a seven-year-old girl was taken from her home and defiled by her grandfather in Murang'a South but the family has been unable to afford crucial treatment.

She needs an MRI, probably reconstructive surgery and medication.

The girl is in extreme pain. 

The situation is so devastating and ugly that though the man was arrested, the family got together and surrendered a title deed so he could be released from remand.

The girl was defiled in February last year when she was left at home with a younger girl when her grandmother left for a women's meeting.

When she came back at around 7pm, the woman said the smaller child  informed her that the older girl had been sexually molested by her grandfather.

When the grandfather came home, the grandchild gave the same account, prompting the grandmother to examine the girl.

“I was shocked to find that she had indeed been molested and her entire private parts looked inflamed. It looked like she had been groomed into this,” she said.

The grandmother then summoned the girl’s mother and informed her that the girl had been molested by a grandfather.  

When the girl’s mother arrived home, she immediately took the girl to Makuyu police station where they recorded statements.

The girl was then taken to Makuyu Health Centre for treatment but was referred to Murang’a Level 5 Hospital for specialised care.

At the facility, however, the family was informed that the girl required an MRI to assess the damage inflicted but the family could not afford it. Then she might need reconstructive surgery, depending on the MRI. She needs medicine for healing and including pain killers.

The girl was then discharged and has been experiencing immense pain.

Meanwhile, the suspect was arrested and charged with defilement at Kigumo law courts, a charge he denied.

The extended family came together and surrendered a title deed to have the suspect released on bond.

With the suspect at home, the grandmother said she is unable to focus on her daily activities and care for her three grandchildren at the same time.

“I just can’t leave them alone. I have to go with them everywhere or leave them under the care of someone I trust," she said.

“My appeal is for anyone to help my granddaughter get treatment and recover fully, and live a normal life. I pray the court concludes the trial swiftly."

“I don’t want this experience to ruin my granddaughter’s life. I want her to heal and be able to live her life,” she said while weeping.

Security officers during a public baraza in Murang'a South.
DEFILEMENT BARAZA: Security officers during a public baraza in Murang'a South.
Image: -

The grandmother said she experiences nightmares, over the incident especially after seeing on the news a similar case involving a small girl who died for lack of treatment.

Speaking to journalists, the girl said her grandfather took her to his house and undressed her, then defiled her.

“He would peep through the window to see if anyone was heading to his house,” she said

Area MP Mary Waithera who visited the homestead expressed disgust, saying it is despicable for an elderly man, to turn against his grandchild in such a manner.

The MP said she learned about the issue when the grandmother visited her office seeking help and pledged to facilitate the MRI and the required drugs.

Even worse, Waithera said, is that the family decided to bail the suspect out instead of using the same title deed to seek treatment for the girl.

“It is shocking some people within the family do not see the gravity of what was done to the child and that is why when the suspect was arrested," she said.

"They presented a title deed for the man to be released instead of using it to help the minor access treatment.”

The MP urged the Judiciary to act swiftly so the man is imprisoned and does not put the lives of other girls at risk.

She expressed concern over the increasing cases of incest, including sodomy, in the community, saying it is only through harsh punishment that they can be deterred.

“We don’t understand whether the man is mentally unstable or just inhumane. Either way, justice needs to be done for the girl who needs medical treatment. Let families with similar cases speak out so victims can get treatment and the suspects prosecuted,” the MP said.

Area chief Peter Kariuki also condemned the crime and pledged to ensure families who attempt to cover up cases of incest are prosecuted.

“If that happens, we will arrest all involved in that arrangement and prosecute them for attempting to hide evidence,” he said.

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