Relief as state pledges to fully support Elimu scholarship students to colleges

Ministry official said the beneficiaries that the programme will cater for their tertiary education

In Summary
  • Beth Kitoo who is the Directorate of Projects Coordination and Delivery at the ministry of education assured the students that the programme will fully cater for their tertiary education.
  • She added that the timely implementation of the new funding model will also ensure continuity and sustainability of the programme in bid to fully achieve its intended goal.
Beth Kitoo, the Directorate of Projects Coordination and Delivery at the Ministry of Education, addressEes Elimu Scholarship beneficiaries at Baricho Boys in Kirinyaga on Friday.
Beth Kitoo, the Directorate of Projects Coordination and Delivery at the Ministry of Education, addressEes Elimu Scholarship beneficiaries at Baricho Boys in Kirinyaga on Friday.

As the first cohort of students under the Elimu scholarship are set to sit for their KCSE exam this year, the government has pledged continued funding for those that will proceed to universities and TVET institutions.

Under the new higher education funding model, the government through Beth Kitoo who is the Directorate of Projects Coordination and Delivery at the Ministry of Education, assured the students that the programme will fully cater for their tertiary education.

The funding she noted, will be a big relief to the academically talented and bright students who come from vulnerable and needy households.

In addition, she said the timely implementation of the new funding model will also ensure continuity and sustainability of the programme in bid to fully achieve its intended goal.

“The new funding model came just at the right time because any programme that is implemented must have a sustainability plan. We are very happy because we know that our scholars under the Elimu scholarship, who are sitting for KCSE exam later this year, will be supported under the new funding model, 100 per cent," she said.

Speaking on Friday, Kitoo encouraged the candidates under the programme to work hard in their studies so as to continue benefiting under the plan and to also fully realise their ambitions.

“With all this kind of financial support from the government and its partners, you have absolutely no reason not to work hard in your studies. Ensure you dedicate your time to your studies because when it is all said and done, you will have no one to shift your failure on because all the hurdles were removed,” she told the students.

The education official further commended the Equity Foundation which also runs a separate programme dubbed ‘Wings to fly’, for its competence and orderliness in implementing the Elimu scholarship which is funded by the government in partnership with other donors.

She said through its proper management, the programme is thus far ranked as one of the successful programmes under the Ministry of Education. She said the ministry was picking vital lessons as a result of its success.

Currently she noted, Elimu has 37,575 beneficiaries scattered across various secondary schools in the country. Kitoo exuded confidence of its continual expansion which will hopefully see the programme accommodate up to 52,000 scholars from among others, this year’s Class 8 candidates.  

While speaking to 1,000 Elimu scholarship beneficiaries during a mentorship programme at Baricho Boys in Kirinyaga, Kitoo also called on students to maintain good behaviour and face life with a positive and upbeat attitude.

She added that the government will not withdraw its support to school girls who have dropped from schools as a result of pregnancy, but will see to it that they resume school in order to continue with their studies.

“This however is not to encourage school girls to fall pregnant. We want them to take care of themselves because we need them in schools,”she added.

Kirinyaga University Vice Chancellor prof Mary Ndung’u lauded the government over the new university funding model, saying it will be a game changer as far as access to university education to the Kenyan students is concerned.

“We are grateful to the government for its boldness in devising and its willingness to implement the funding model. We have been looking forward to this all these years because it seeks to bring fairness and equity in access to university education,” she said.

Kirinyaga West Deputy County commissioner John Mbugua cautioned students against use of drugs and substance abuse as that risks ruining their future.

He regretted that many parents across the globe are currently struggling in guiding their children to steer away or avoid use of drugs.

Kirinyaga Central Sub-County Administrator Martin Gacheru challenged the scholars to use education in changing their communities, their country and their continent.

He urged them to be the generation that will make things right by shunning the long held practice of misusing education in seeking for self- interests and acquisition of illegal wealth.

He regretted that this unbecoming selfish habit has in many instances cost the African continent  in achieving its potential. This is because many youths who should be steering the turbines of the economy  have resorted to looking for ways to relocate to developed countries, he said.

Equity Foundation representatives present called on the students to continue putting more effort in their studies as they assured them that the foundation will continue walking with them and mentoring them every step of their secondary school life.

A section of Elimu scholarship beneficiaries during a mentorship session at Baricho Boys
A section of Elimu scholarship beneficiaries during a mentorship session at Baricho Boys
One of the mentors addressing Elimu beneficiary scholars during a menetorship session held at Baricho Boys.
One of the mentors addressing Elimu beneficiary scholars during a menetorship session held at Baricho Boys.
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