Man raids building site in Kiambu, stabs ex-wife to death

He removed a makeshift ladder to the upper floors to prevent others from coming to rescue the woman

In Summary

• He dragged the woman into a nearby coffee farm and stabbed her twice in the stomach and neck, killing her. 

• Philis Ngina Gachohi, 33, was at the site as a mason

Crime scene.
CRIME: Crime scene.
Image: STAR
Crime Scene
Crime Scene

Police are hunting for a man who raided a construction site and killed his ex-wife after a domestic feud in Ngewa, Kiambu county.

Philis Ngina Gachohi, 33, was at the site as a mason and was on the ground floor helping others deliver construction materials to the upper floors of the structure when the incident happened on Sunday, police said. 

And to prevent the other masons at the site from coming to her rescue, the attacker identified as HK, removed a makeshift ladder to the upper floors. 

This hindered the other workers from coming to the rescue of Ngina. 

According to police, the attacker was armed with a knife.

He dragged the woman into a nearby coffee farm and stabbed her twice in the stomach and neck, killing her. 

He later escaped to an unknown destination, police said.

Police said the other workers came to scene minutes later and found Ngina had bled to death.

The team was informed the man and woman had domestic disputes before the woman left him. 

The police visited the scene but didn’t find the killer weapon. The body was later moved to the mortuary. 

Police say they are looking for the suspect over the murder. 

Meanwhile, police are investigating an incident in which a man died while at a construction site in Parklands, Nairobi.

Samson Muhanji succumbed to injuries after a slab he and other workers were casting caved in on him on the 18th floor of the SMB Suites Limited along Githuri Road.

Three other workers were injured in the incident.

Police and other officials from the county government and National Construction Authority are investigating the incident.

This is the latest such incident to happen in a series in the city amid a construction boom which seems unchecked

Police say at least one such death is reported weekly in the city.

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