Unresolved land disputes have left many vulnerable, says MP

The disputes have barred many residents from access to land title deeds

In Summary
  • This emerged during a free legal aid clinic organised by Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina
  • Njeri, a lawyer, said lack of information on succession laws has resulted in family disputes
Kirinyaga residents register for free legal aid clinic in Mwea town on Friday
Kirinyaga residents register for free legal aid clinic in Mwea town on Friday

Backlog of cases and ignorance have been cited as the major causes of land disputes in Kirinyaga county.

This emerged during a free legal aid clinic organised by Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina.

Maina said the disputes have barred many residents from access to land title deeds.

She invited the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, Katiba Institute, FIDA, National Legal Aid Service, Judiciary and Office of Director of Public Prosecutions to provide legal counsel to the residents.

"These law professionals are crucial in giving services to locals who most times lack access to justice due to ignorance on the legal processes or lack of money to hire professional services," she said.

Maina said the unresolved disputes have left many vulnerable and at risk of being evicted from their homes.

She cited South Ngariama dispute as one of the cases that should be fast-tracked in order to give legitimate owners their title deeds.

Njeri, a lawyer, said lack of information on succession laws has resulted in family disputes denying many people access to land.

"A team of lawyers will start pro bono services and educate residents on legal matters to resolve cases and disputes in the area," she said.

The county MP who also visited the local Wang’uru law court promised to take to parliament some of the court’s concerns that have stalled dispensation of justice.

Catherine Nduva from KNCHR said they will follow up the cases to ensure justice for Mwea residents.

She said the commission will partner with other government agencies to resolve the emotive land cases in Kirinyaga county.

“We will intervene and give appropriate advice depending on the nature of the land case. Some of the cases can be resolved through courts while others through mediation and we will see their fruitful conclusion,” Nduva said.

Residents who turned up for the exercise praised the legal aid clinic saying they have hope their cases will be resolved expeditiously.

They exuded confidence that the initiative will help them get title deeds for their lands.

“We are hopeful that through this exercise, we will have access to justice and our respective cases will be fast-tracked and we will become legal custodians of our lands,” said one resident.

Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina(center) with officials from KNCHR during the free legal aid clinic day in Mwea on Friday.
Kirinyaga Woman Representative Njeri Maina(center) with officials from KNCHR during the free legal aid clinic day in Mwea on Friday.
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