Man, 28, fined Sh70,000 for possessing bhang in Maragua

He was found with 150gms of unprocessed bhang and materials used to make bhang rolls

In Summary
  • The accused pleaded guilty and in mitigation requested the court leniency saying he will not repeat the offence.
  • He was convicted on his own plea of guilt and fined Sh70,000 or in default serve 7 months in prison with a right to appeal in 14 days.
Image: FILE

A 28-year-old man was Monday fined Sh70,000 by a Kenol court for being in possession of 90gms of bhang whose street value is Sh1000.

Peter Kariuki Irungu appeared before resident magistrate Jackinda Rennah.

He was found in possession of 150gms of unprocessed bhang and materials used to make bhang rolls on August 31 in the Itaaga area, Maragua constituency. 

Itaaga sub-location assistant chief while on patrol with Kamumu location chief got a tip-off from members of the public that the accused person was peddling bhang.

They proceeded to his rented house and conducted a search where they found the materials used to make bhang in a red bag hidden in his mattress.

The paper had two wrapping materials also known as flags which are used to make bhang rolls.

This is according to facts tabled by the prosecutor Brian Ng’ang’a before the court.

Irungu was arrested and taken to Itaaga police patrol base after which he was presented at Kenol law courts.

The accused pleaded guilty and in mitigation requested the court for leniency saying he will not repeat the offence.

He was convicted on his own plea of guilt and fined Sh70,000 or in default served 7 months in prison with a right to appeal in 14 days.

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