Lobbyists condemn Lamu attacks, call for speedy probe

The attacks on Saturday claimed at least five lives

In Summary

•The attack had five men beheaded and many houses torched in an al Shabaab attack on Saturday.

•They also called upon the local and international community to demonstrate solidarity and support those affected.

Muhuri chairman Khelef Khalifa.
Muhuri chairman Khelef Khalifa.
Image: FILE

Muslims for Human Rights( Muhuri) and Haki Yetu organisation have condemned the attacks that took place in Salama and Juhudi villages, Lamu county.

The attacks on Saturday night claimed the lives of at least five, all men including a Form Three student.

The organisations have urged the authorities to conduct a thorough probe to hold the culprits accountable.

"We urge the relevant authorities to conduct thorough and impartial investigations into these attacks, ensuring those responsible are held accountable for their actions," they said.

Through Muhuri's executive director Omar Elmawi, they emphasized the need for the investigations to be carried out transparently, safeguarding the rights of those involved.

Elmawi said the attacks were a violation of human rights and it was necessary to denounce such brutality.

They also called upon residents and the international community to demonstrate solidarity and support those affected.

Muhuri and Haki Yetu also urged religious leaders to foster dialogue and actively work towards extinguishing extremism in society.

"We also urge religious and community leaders to foster dialogue and actively work towards extinguishing the flames of hatred and extremism in the society," they said.

The attack had five men beheaded and many houses torched in an al Shabaab attack on Saturday.

Witnesses and police said the attackers raided the villages at around 7.30 pm, dragged the victims from their houses, and tied their hands and legs with ropes behind their backs before executing them.

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