Kwale lobbies to unveil self-regulatory policy

The policy is set to be ready in two weeks' time.

In Summary

• Ali said for many years the rights groups have been working in isolation.

• He said the policy will strengthen cohesion and resilience to fast-track the development of CSOs and rights organisations for better services.

Rights activists convenes in Ukunda, Kwale county, on Monday 27, 2023.
Rights activists convenes in Ukunda, Kwale county, on Monday 27, 2023.

Civil society and human rights organisations in Kwale are planning to unveil a self-regulatory framework policy to enhance unity and efficiency in service delivery.

The policy is set to be ready in two weeks.

It seeks to bring together all the NGOs and address challenges and empower them for better services.

 Muslim Women Advancement of Rights and Protection coordinator Mwalimu Ali said for many years the rights groups have been working in isolation.

He said the policy will strengthen cohesion and resilience to fast-track the development of CSOs and rights organisations for better services.

"Many rights NGOs have been unable to progress because of a lack of unity and that's why we came up with the policy idea to bridge the gap," Ali said.

He said the policy will enable all rights organisations to work in certain legal frameworks and conform to the given rules and regulations as stipulated in the Constitution.

Ali said despite having many CSOs and human rights groups, a large number of them lack vast knowledge of the Constitution and laws governing their operations.

He said the policy will provide room for rights awareness and empowerment of the rights organisations towards serving Kwale residents. 

Ali said the policy will enhance the evaluation of the group dynamics geared towards improving their working efficiency.

He said they will concentrate on matters of leadership and governance, oversight and integrity.

Ali said the policy will lay down structures on how the organisations can operate and utilise the existing resources to serve society appropriately and ensure good leadership of the lobbies.

Kwale rights groups' consultant Collins Mwaendo said self-regulation is targeted to build the capacity of NGOs and enable them to work in harmony with the government and communities.

He said the policy intends to bring together community-based organisations and NGOs and give a guideline on how they can partner and enhance their service delivery.

Mwaendo said it will also allow the rights groups to approach issues and address various issues as one unlike working separately.

He said many organisations have been unable to accomplish their agenda because of poor combinations and working relationships.

Vanga Development Forum legal adviser Mohammed Feruz said the policy will also give a proper plan on how the NGOs can solicit funds from donors to support their initiatives.

"It is a strategic plan that will help rights groups to seek support from various institutions to empower small organisations and improve our work," he said.

Feruz said the policy will act as internal regulations of the NGOs and be a guide in conforming to the current given laws.

He said it is a big milestone for the rights groups as the policy seeks to bind them together and speak with one voice.

Children Empowerment and Development Foundation officer Amina Hassan Mnyeto hailed the move adding that rights groups will have a good working environment.

She said the policy will see upcoming rights groups empowered and promote activism in Kwale county.

Muslim Women Advancement of Rights and Protection, coordinator Mwalimu Ali speaks in Ukunda Social Hall in Kwale county on Monday, November 27, 2023.
Muslim Women Advancement of Rights and Protection, coordinator Mwalimu Ali speaks in Ukunda Social Hall in Kwale county on Monday, November 27, 2023.
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