I have no problem with Kitui speaker – Kalonzo

Wiper leader says he is ashamed his home county MCAs are squabbling.

In Summary

• Wiper party in the county assembly has been split by calls to impeach the speaker 

• Party leader Kalonzo and Governor Malombe distanced themselves and urged talks

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka at Mumoni in Mwingi North on Saturday
Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka at Mumoni in Mwingi North on Saturday

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has disowned a push to impeach the Kitui speaker and urged MCAs to dialogue.

Speaking at Katuka in Mumoni ward, Mwingi North, Kalonzo said it is shameful that the assembly is wrangling in his home county. 

"What are the fights for anyway? As your party leader, I am watching," he said.

Kalonzo said Kitui is a Wiper county and he expects no division.

"I have no problem with any leader, and I am not responsible for the impeachment process," he said.

"I would have first informed Kitui Senator Enock Wambua if I wanted the speaker impeached."

Kalonzo said the wrangles should be solved amicably through talks.

Kitui Governor Julius Malombe said the row did not in any way touch on the executive.

"If there's any misunderstanding, the county executive is not involved. The assembly and the executive have been working hand in hand without any sabotage," he said.

Kitui Assembly Speaker, Kevin Kinengo at Mumoni on Saturday
Kitui Assembly Speaker, Kevin Kinengo at Mumoni on Saturday

Malombe said it is a small misunderstanding that can easily even be resolved.

Deputy Governor Wambua Kanani asked the assembly members to invite political seniors for peace talks.

Senator Enock Wambua urged the assembly members to seek advice from their seniors, considering most Kitui leaders are youths.

"Let us emulate so youths can be great leaders, but this cannot be achieved amidst wrangles," Kiio said.

He also warned them to stop dragging Kalonzo's name into their stalemate.

"You are putting to shame our county. Kalonzo here is not a regional leader but a national one and is well known for peace. It is high time what's going on in the assembly stops," Kiio said.

Speaker Kevin Kinengo said the Wiper party members in the assembly have been divided into two.

"There's Wiper A and B. You recently saw some dividing the house by vowing to table a motion against my impeachment," Kinengo said.

The youthful speaker accused some MCAs of going around preaching disunity.

"Assembly matters are solved in the assembly. Whatever is going on can be solved through dialogue," he said.

Majority leader Harrison Maluki said the county is intact, and if there were any shortcomings, the governor would be the one to complain.

"We are supporting our governor in a bid to deliver to locals," he said.

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