Equip learners with modern machinery to meet market demands, MCA tells vocational institutions

Kaloi says he intends to help over 600 youth get jobs by end of 2024

In Summary
  • He said the polytechnic was among those training learners using outdated machines which are no longer available in the market.
  • Kaloi said he had so far covered more than 20 factories dealing in different products including textile and apparel, macadamia, liquor, and pharmaceuticals.
Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi converses with Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited employees at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, Machakos County on August 21, 2024.
Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi converses with Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited employees at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, Machakos County on August 21, 2024.

Some vocational training institutions still train learners using old outdated machinery and equipment, Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi has said.

Kaloi said that has resulted in skill-gap among youth seeking employment opportunities, especially in the Athi River subcounty, hence high levels of joblessness.

“I have requested some private companies located at the Export Processing Zone, Athi River, to donate modern sewing machines to a local public youth polytechnic and as well help train tutors as a way of solving the problem,” Kaloi told the Star on Wednesday.

He said the polytechnic was among those training learners using outdated machines which are no longer available in the market.

Kaloi spoke to the Star shortly after he visited several private firms at EPZ, including Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited.

He said some investors complained of being forced to retrain the youth before hiring them in their firms thereby using more resources and time as opposed to those already trained on modern machinery operations.

Accompanied by Athi River Chief Cecilia Nzioka, the county legislator held meetings with directors and management of the companies in pursuit of job opportunities for the local youth and women.

He said the increased unemployment rate among residents, especially youth and women in the highly industrialised town had prompted him to together with the local provincial administrators, to move around his ward knocking on doors requesting job opportunities not for their children, relatives or family members, but locals.

“It’s sad that some of the companies employ people from other counties while Machakos County residents' job seek to no avail.  For instance, we went to a company located within my ward only to realize that 550 of the employees are from Eldoret in Uasin Gishu County while thousands of residents are jobless,” Kaloi said.

The county legislator said he had embarked on a serious job search for those residing in his ward due to equally increasing life struggles among them. The majority can’t afford a meal a day as well as sort out basic needs due to unemployment; hence live in deplorable conditions.

“My engagement with investors is for locals to be offered jobs. I will take a motion to Machakos County Assembly for a legislation compelling investors to offer 70 per cent job opportunities to local,” Kaloi said.

He said Corporate Social Responsibilities being undertaken by private investors help in improving the quality of livelihoods in his ward.

“Some support charitable children institutions, sports among the youth, infrastructure development, and upgrading in public institutions such as hospitals and schools," Kaloi said.

"New classes are under construction at the Athi River Vocational Training Centre. They, however, use old sewing machines and I have requested a private firm to donate modern ones to aid in learners’ and tutors’ training."

Kaloi said he had so far covered more than 20 factories dealing in different products including textile and apparel, macadamia, liquor, and pharmaceuticals.

He targets to have around 600 youth secure employment opportunities in the industries by December this year for improved livelihoods.

Kaloi urged investors operating in Machakos County to consult with local leaders whenever they have vacancies in their establishments.

“We continue to engage with the investors, they should involve public offices that we occupy. We have learnt that investors are asking that our people seeking jobs should be disciplined other than meeting the required qualifications,” he said.

He said Governor Wavinya Ndeti’s proposed Machakos Youth Service will greatly help in skilling the youth ready for absorption in these factories.

“We will directly link skilled youth to employers. They must be disciplined, patient, enduring, focused and hardworking, though. We have learnt that ladies are more patient than men and cooperate with their employers better than men,” Kaloi said.

Kaloi said he would do his best to empower Athi River ward residents to his ability.

Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi (2R) with area chief Cecilia Nzioka are received by Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited officials at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, Machakos County on August 21, 2024.
Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi (2R) with area chief Cecilia Nzioka are received by Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited officials at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, Machakos County on August 21, 2024.
Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi converses with Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited employees at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, Machakos County on August 21, 2024.
Athi River MCA Jeremiah Kaloi converses with Best Lifestyle Kenya EPZ Limited employees at Export Processing Zone in Athi River, Machakos County on August 21, 2024.
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