State pledges Sh1 billion towards cleaning of Nairobi

Garbage collected from different Nairobi households would be assembled at one specific place and converted into an electric-producing site.

In Summary

•The President noted that the National Government will work in collaboration with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja to implement the plan.

•Garbage collected from different Nairobi households would be assembled at one specific place and converted into an electric-producing site.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and President William Ruto during a church service at Friends Church (Quakers), Donholm on April 23, 2023
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi and President William Ruto during a church service at Friends Church (Quakers), Donholm on April 23, 2023
Image: PCS

 President William Ruto has announced that his government is committed to cleaning up Nairobi.

As a result, he announced that the Kenya Kwanza government has pledged Sh1 billion towards the exercise.

“We have set aside Sh1 Billion and we have identified all effluent emitters and we have completed that exercise. We are going to clean the city of Nairobi and generate electricity out of the refuse in Nairobi. We have a plan for it,” Ruto said on Sunday.

He was speaking while attending a church service at Friends Church (Quakers), Donholm, Nairobi.

The President noted that the National Government will work in collaboration with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja to implement the plan.

“I am in agreement with our governor in Nairobi that we will clean Nairobi city. We must bring back the glory of the city of Nairobi by dealing with refuse,” Ruto said.

The Head of State reaffirmed that the government intends to use the refuse collected to generate electricity though he didn’t elaborate on how the plan will work.

Last month, President Ruto announced a new plan to address Nairobi's power outages and rationing in Nairobi by generating energy from garbage. 

He revealed that the government had procured materials to actualise the project.

Garbage collected from different Nairobi households would be assembled at one specific place and converted into an electric-producing site.

The trash will then be recycled to generate electricity and transmitted to power different homesteads.

Dandora Dumpsite is one of the garbage collection centres highlighted in the electricity production plan.

In other countries such as Ethiopia and US, unprocessed waste is burned in a large incinerator with a boiler and a generator to produce electricity.

India also uses the same technology to generate electricity where the gases produced are treated to prevent air pollution.

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