39 public schools in Nairobi, Ndakaini dam get title deeds

The 100 deeds are part of the 2,000 which were issued at Green Park terminus

In Summary

•MCAs have over the years been urging the executive to reign in increased cases of grabbing of public utility land, where they blame private developers

•Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi who graced the event, raised concerns that part of Lavington primary school was still grabbed

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja issues a title deed to a school owner on June 22, 2023
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja issues a title deed to a school owner on June 22, 2023
Image: Handout

Thursday marked a new dawn for Nairobi after Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja issued 100 title deeds for public facilities.

At least 39 public schools and ECDE Centres in Nairobi on Thursday received their title deeds after years of being without.

The move not only gives the school ownership but also protects the school from land grabbers.

The 100 deeds are part of the 2,000 which were issued at Green Park terminus.

“We have more than 7500 data captured under our titling program and the Ministry of Land has helped us. We will today start issuing the first 2000 and the rest will be issued with time,” Governor Sakaja stated.

Among the 39 schools that have received the deeds include; Ngei Primary, Wango Primary, Juja Road Primary School, Mukuru Kwa Njenga Primary, Joseph Apudo Primary, Mukuru Kayaba Primary School and Baba dogo primary school.

Others include Bahati Primary School, Garden Estate Primary School, High Ridge Primary, Kahawa West Primary School, Karen c Primary, Kibera Primary, Kibora Primary, Kirigu Pri, Mathare 4A Pri, and Zawadi Primary among others.

Dagoretti North MP Beatrice Elachi who graced the event, raised concerns that part of Lavington primary school was still grabbed.

Sakaja, however, assured her that as they issue a title deed for 19.7 Acres of Lavington Primary School, they will still ensure the rest of the remaining acres which are allegedly grabbed by private developers are recovered.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja issues a title deed to a school owner on June 22, 2023
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja issues a title deed to a school owner on June 22, 2023
Image: Handout

During his vetting last December, Nairobi Built Environment and Urban Planning executive CEC Stephen Mwangi alleged that politicians are behind land grabbing in the city.

Despite that, MCAs have over the years been urging the executive to reign in increased cases of grabbing of public utility land, where they blame private developers.

They raised the alarm over the takeover of most playgrounds and open spaces.

CEC Mwangi decried the slow issuance of title deeds, especially to public schools.

Nairobi County has 205 public primary schools and 95 secondary schools.

However, MCAs have complained most public schools lack title deeds, so property risks falling prey to land grabbers and private developers

Going further, Ndakaini Water Dam and Ruiru Water Dam which are properties of Nairobi County were also issued with Title deeds.

Pumwani Hospital and Kasarani Health Centre are among the Public health Facilities that have received a deed.

Nairobi county government acquired the dam's 1,200 acres in 1988 and locals were compensated.

The Nairobi Water and Sewerage Company website shows that Ndakani land was acquired to create space for the construction of the dam that majorly supplies water to Nairobi residents.

In addition, Governor Sakaja assured the residents of Nairobi that with the current system, grabbing will be a thing of the past as everything has been digitalized.

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