Murkomen cautions Kenyans as rain causes massive road damage

Transport CS urges Kenyans to exercise maximum caution during this rainy season.

In Summary

• Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen said on Wednesday the rains have caused havoc to major roads

•The CS said he has also received reports that the floods have submerged Elwak and Mandera towns.

Motorists navigate through flooded section of the Links Road in Nyali Mombasa on November 3, 2023 following the heavy rains that pounded the region.
Motorists navigate through flooded section of the Links Road in Nyali Mombasa on November 3, 2023 following the heavy rains that pounded the region.

The heavy rains pounding the country have led to road cut-offs in various areas, disrupting traffic flow due to road washouts and extensive silting.

Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen said on Wednesday the rains have caused havoc to major roads, with reports indicating major disruptions in some areas.

The CS said havoc has been caused especially in the North Eastern, Lower Eastern, and Coast regions.

"Unfortunately, fatalities have been reported, and my office is collating data to ascertain the same. The ministry and all the road agencies are fully apprised of the situation, and various mitigative measures have been deployed to remedy the situation,” Murkomen said.

“I hereby send my utmost condolences to the families and relatives of the deceased.”

Eight roads have been affected.

Currently, the most affected roads where traffic disruptions have occurred include, but are not limited to, the following: Isiolo – Marsabit (A2) Road, Wamba – Lareta (B121) Road, Marsabit – North Horr (B75) Road, Nuno – Modogashe (A13) Road, Modogashe – Wajir (A13) Road, Garisa – Sareto – Dadaab (A3) Road, Isiolo – Kulamawe – Modogashe (B84) Road, and Elwak – Lafey – Mandera (B95) Road,” Murkomen said.

The CS said he has also received reports that the floods have submerged Elwak and Mandera towns.

Murkomen urged Kenyans to exercise maximum caution during this rainy season.

The CS advised children and the vulnerable to avoid unnecessary travel and activities that expose them to danger due to flooded roads.

According to the Kenya Meteorological Department, the 2023 short rain season is now well underway across the country.

Murkomen said several incidents of flood-related damage to road infrastructure have occurred over the last few days, and more could happen as the season continues.

In the update, Murkomen appealed to drivers to exercise caution while plying our roads, especially those that cut across rivers and areas prone to flooding.

The ministry will continue to restore roads damaged by the heavy rains.

“We are closely monitoring all roads across the country and have stepped up our efforts to manage traffic flow in affected areas through various interventions, including issuing road usage advisories as and when necessary.”

Murkomen said there are ongoing road maintenance works that entail reinstating affected road sections and desilting in a bid to restore traffic passage.

Murkomen has directed all the road agencies to act promptly in emergencies as they occur.

“I have also appointed the Kenya National Highway Authority (KeNHA) to be the lead agency in the coordination of all the intervention works to ensure traffic is restored as quickly as possible. We are using contractors already on site to undertake the affected roads' emergency works. The CS said the ministry has also put on high alert other nearby contractors for assistance in the restoration works once the water subsides.

He directed KeNHA to coordinate and ensure the issuance of public notices to all motorists, clearly identifying the affected sections.

“I request all motorists and road users to adhere to these road advisories issued against affected sections of our roads and to avoid any attempts to cross flooded road sections,” he said.

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