Call for Inclusion.

PWDs to Ruto: Consider us for state appointments

Say having their own seat at the decision-making table will help highlight their issues.

In Summary
  • Speaking to the press on Saturday, Hafid called on the President to fulfill his 2022 campaign promises of inclusivity and equity.
  • He said the actualisation of the five per cent inclusion of PWDS in state appointments remains on paper.
North Eastern Kenya PWDs chairman Hafid Maalim speaks to the press on August 31, 2024
North Eastern Kenya PWDs chairman Hafid Maalim speaks to the press on August 31, 2024

Persons with Disabilities in the country have once again pleaded with President William Ruto to include them in his administration.

Led by North Eastern Kenya PDW chairman Hafid Maalim, they said that their hope of ever being included in government keeps fading each time appointments are made.

Speaking to the press on Saturday, Hafid called on the President to fulfill his 2022 campaign promises of inclusivity and equity.

He said the actualisation of the five per cent inclusion of PWDS in state appointments remains on paper noting that the situation continues to have a negative impact on their lives.

He said that the situation was the same in many counties.

The Cabinet does not have a single PWD. Among the 52 PSs, there is only one, Abdi Dubat of the East African Community, while Isaack Mwaura is the government spokesperson.

The group said having their own seat at the decision-making table will go a long way in helping have their issues highlighted and fast-tracked.

“We had a lot of faith in the Kenya Kwanza administration. We thought that Ruto will incorporate us in his administration because he had shown all intent and purpose but that has not happened so far,” he said.

He added: “We are all aware that he dissolved his cabinet not long ago and after two weeks went ahead to reconstitute it accommodating individuals from the opposition which we have no problem with. But we thought that at least one of our own would also be considered in the reconstitution but again that that did not happen.”

He said that for the longest time, people with disabilities have faced discrimination both in the public and private sector leaving them at the mercy of well-wishers.

He disclosed that it is the reason that there are so many cases of beggars involving PWDs.

He however expressed optimism that the President will still hand them appointments in cabinet re-formation that is still ongoing.

The broad-based government that has brought in members of the ODM into the Cabinet has led to speculations that President Ruto might send home Permanent Secretaries and bring in new faces to further incorporate opposition members.

“This is where our hope lies. We know that at some point the President will move to the PSs and just like he did with the CSs he bring in new faces. It is our humble appeal that he considers PWDs.”.

He called on the Ministry of Labour to make sure that the five per cent principle is applied at all levels of the government so that PWDs also get an opportunity to work in the country like other Kenyans.

The PWD champion further called on the government to implement existing laws such as the provision to ensure 30 per cent of procurement opportunities are given to women, youth, and persons with disability.

"Among us, we have individuals with the required skills, experience and knowledge that will be of great help to the country," he said.

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