Garissa and Isiolo communities vow want Modogashe Declaration implemented

Pasture and water have always triggered the conflict, as the communities accuse each other of encroachment.

In Summary

•The Borana from Garba-Tula in Isiolo county and their Aulihan counterpart from Lagdera in Garissa county have had a long history of bloody clashes dating back to 2015 where hundreds have been killed and thousands displaced in retaliatory attacks.

•On Saturday, during celebrations to mark International Peace Day in the Lagdera sub-county, leaders and residents resolved to end the wanton bloodshed and destruction of property.

Kose Ndalo, lagdera Deputy County Commissioner speaking at the event.
Kose Ndalo, lagdera Deputy County Commissioner speaking at the event.

Two communities living along the Garissa and Isiolo border have resolved to end drawn-out hostilities.

The Borana from Garba-Tula in Isiolo county and their Aulihan counterpart from Lagdera in Garissa county have had a long history of bloody clashes dating back to 2015 where hundreds have been killed and thousands displaced in retaliatory attacks.

Pasture and water have always triggered the conflict, as the communities accuse each other of encroachment.

Efforts by the government to try and find a permanent solution to the recurring conflicts have not been successful with the clashes erupting after a lull.

Illegal firearms used in the clashes have not made the situation any better.


Mohammed Madera, Isiolo Peace Committee Chairman.
Mohammed Madera, Isiolo Peace Committee Chairman.

However, on Saturday, during celebrations to mark International Peace Day in the Lagdera sub-county, leaders and residents resolved to end the wanton bloodshed and destruction of property.

Mohammed Madera, the Isiolo Peace Committee chairman, said the time has come to implement the 2011 Modogashe Declaration that sought to promote peaceful coexistence among neighbouring communities.

“We have decided to co-exist peacefully like brothers and sisters. We did not choose to be neighbours.  This was God's plan and which we must accept,” he said.

“We cannot be losing innocent lives through border disputes or scramble of natural resources like water and pasture. I honestly believe that whenever issues arise we can solve them amicably without the same degenerating into clashes and deaths,” he said.


Residents of Modogashe and leaders during celebrations to mark the International Peace Day.
Residents of Modogashe and leaders during celebrations to mark the International Peace Day.

Ali Hassan, Lagdera  Peace Committee chairman, narrated how the clashes have led to the closure of schools and affected the education of their children, maimed relatives and friends and generally brought development in the area to a halt.

“We want to request the National Government to strengthen and financially support peace committees in both counties by organising caravans to educate them on the importance of maintaining peace,” said Ali.

Students of Modogashe secondary recite a poem during celebrations to mark the International Peace Day.
Students of Modogashe secondary recite a poem during celebrations to mark the International Peace Day.

Kose Ndalo, Lagdera Deputy County Commissioner, said the government remains committed to finding a lasting solution.

“It is the duty and responsibility of all of us seated here and those at home to maintain peace at all times. Anyone who tries to destabilise the same should be called out and reported to the relevant authorities for quick action to be taken because whenever there is no peace we are all affected,” he said.

Ahmed Shidiye, Garissa county chief officer for peace and cohesion, said Governor Nathif Jama’s administration remains committed to supporting peace-building efforts.

“Peace gives us the strength to overcome challenges and the courage to create a future where everyone thrives. We all have a role in creating a world where peace reigns over conflict,” Shidiye said.

During the celebrations,  several speakers urged humanitarian organisations operating in the area to initiate projects to be shared by the two ethnic communities to foster cohesiveness.


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