Machakos to dispose of 31 unclaimed bodies

Members of the public have been asked to identify and collect the bodies within seven days from September 7

In Summary

• The executive said the bodies include eight foetuses, 20 males and three females.

• Only one body was identified as Hamidi Adi.

Machakos Health executive Daniel Yumbya on Monday at Machakos Level 5 Hospital.
Machakos Health executive Daniel Yumbya on Monday at Machakos Level 5 Hospital.

The Machakos government plans to dispose of 31 unclaimed bodies lying at the Machakos Level 5 Hospital mortuary, health executive Daniel Yumbya has said.

He said the county government has issued a public notice to have the bodies collected by September 14, failing which the devolved unit will seek authority from the court to bury them in a mass grave.

"Interested members of the public are asked to identify and collect the bodies within seven days from September 7 failure to which the Machakos county will seek authority for disposal," Yumbya told journalists outside the hospital on Monday.

The executive said the bodies include eight foetuses, 20 males and three females.

Only one body was identified as Hamidi Adi.

Yumbya said most of the bodies had been brought in by police from Athi River, Kyumbi, Machakos, Matuu, Yatta, Kathiani and Mbiuni.

 "Five unidentified bodies came from the hospital while an additional one from Mavoko Level 4 hospital," he said.

 The executive said the majority of the bodies were brought in a very bad state and have been in the mortuary for close to eight months.

"This has caused foul smell emanating from the mortuary. We are however appealing for patience from members of the public as we seek to dispose of the bodies according to the law," Yumbya said.

He also disclosed that the county government was in the processing of renovating the mortuary and affirmed that the works will be completed in the next two weeks. 

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