Governor Wanga reshuffles chief officers to enhance service delivery

Eight chief officers were affected by the changes.

In Summary

The changes were made on Wednesday through an internal memo that was sent to the County Secretary Bernard Muok, all county executives and chief officers.

Chief Officer for communication Carren Otieno has also been given more assignments. 

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga speaks during her inaugration on August 25,2022
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga speaks during her inaugration on August 25,2022
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga speaks to media at her office in Homa Bay town
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga speaks to media at her office in Homa Bay town

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga has reshuffled chief offers in different departments as she tries to enhance service delivery in the county.

The changes were made on Wednesday through an internal memo that was sent to the county Secretary Bernard Muok, all county executives and chief officers. 

Eight chief officers were affected by the changes. 

In the changes, Wanga moved Jacob Obonyo from the Department of Blue Economy and Fisheries to Trade and Industrialisation.

Trade Chief Officer Joshua Orero will take over the Blue Economy docket.

Judith Ombok has been moved from the Gender Inclusivity and Women Empowerment Department to Agriculture.

Education chief officer Dolophine Ochere was moved to the Gender and Inclusivity Department.

“The changes herein take effect immediately,” the governor wrote in an internal memo.

Kennedy Odhiambo who serves as the chief officer for Stakeholder Management has been moved to Mining and the Blue Economy.

His position will be taken over by Maxwell Omenda who served as the Irrigation chief officer.

Diana Ongere was moved from Mining and Digital Economy to Education.

Samuel Owigo who serves as the Agriculture chief officer has been moved to the Irrigation department.

“The changes are meant to ensure optimum performance in the county government,” she added. 

Chief Officer for Communication Carren Otieno has also been given more assignments. She will serve as the government spokesperson. A position is held by Rachel Oguttu.

 “I am delighted to make the first set of re-assignments and reshuffle,” she said. 

She tasked Muok to ensure the smooth handing over of those affected.

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