Bobasi residents protest against Osoro-Arati tiff, torch casket

They set ablaze a coffin bearing Osoro's name during the Monday protests in Nyamache

In Summary
  • They burned a coffin written "RIP Osoro" in the streets, some breaking out in dirges against the Majority Whip.
  • The protests were in response to the incident last Monday where Governor Simba Arati's rally was attacked at the Nyakembene area
A coffin goes up in flames as residents in Bobasi hold protests against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro following the tiff with Governor Simba Arati.
A coffin goes up in flames as residents in Bobasi hold protests against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro following the tiff with Governor Simba Arati.
The casket before it was torched by the protesters in Nyamache, Bobasi in Kisii on January 15, 2023
The casket before it was torched by the protesters in Nyamache, Bobasi in Kisii on January 15, 2023

Residents of Bobasi, in hundreds, turned up in Nyamache, the subcounty headquarters on Monday to protest against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro.

They burned a coffin written "RIP Osoro" in the streets, some breaking out in dirges against the Majority Whip.

The crowd was led by MCAs Jacob Bagaka, also deputy the County Assembly Speaker and Masige East MCA Michael Motume.

Others were county assembly Majority Leader Henry Moracha and Nyacheki MCA Naftal Onkoba.

Collectively, they roundly condemned Osoro and called for his arrest further saying the protests shall be held each Monday until he is arrested and arraigned in court.

A bodaboda rider riding through a burning casket as the residents in Bobasi on January 15, 2023
A bodaboda rider riding through a burning casket as the residents in Bobasi on January 15, 2023

The protests were in response to the incident last Monday where Governor Simba Arati's rally was attacked at the Nyakembene area in South Mugirango.

Guns were whipped out and shots were fired during the Arati rally.

Bagaka warned Osoro against stepping in Bobasi until he is seized and arraigned in connection with the incident.

He especially questioned the commitment of security agencies to taking action against the Majority Chief Whip a week after the incident.

"Let them come out in the open and tell us why he has not been booked anywhere since the barbaric act," Bagaka said.

Callen Magara, an assembly nominee from South Mugirango, castigated Osoro describing his actions as juvenile and undeserved of a leader of his calibre.

"We as South Mugirango people will continue rallying behind Arati and we shall back him the second stab in office," she said.

Motume said as Bobasi people they shall not rest until Osoro is arrested.

"Since the raid on Governor Arati's rally, we have not heard that he has recorded a statement nor arrested," Motume said.

Nyacheki ward rep Naftal Onkoba said the protests shall be held every Monday in all towns across Bobasi to press action on Osoro.

The residents drawn from eight Wards across Bobasi walking with a coffin to protest against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro.
The residents drawn from eight Wards across Bobasi walking with a coffin to protest against South Mugirango MP Sylvanus Osoro.

Henry Moracha asked Interior CS Kithure Kindiki to apprehend the Majority Chief Whip.

He said it was wrong that Osoro was still walking free days after he allegedly committed a felony.

"If he (Kindiki) can't arrest him, let him come and arrest all of us. We must find justice within the law and that is why Osoro must be brought to book," Moracha said

Boda boda operators carried a coffin bearing 'Rest In Peace Osoro' as they joined in the protest.

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