Sang backed by elders, community leaders for second term

Rivals step up battle for UDA ticket in a crowded field but Sang very popular

In Summary

• Sang, who is a close ally of the DP, was endorsed by the elders and other groups he hosted at his home in Nandi for New Year celebrations. 

•More than 4,000 residents attended the event.

Governor Stephen Sang with Deputy Speaker of the Nandi Assembly Wilson Sang during the New Year party at the governor's home on January 1.
SANG: Governor Stephen Sang with Deputy Speaker of the Nandi Assembly Wilson Sang during the New Year party at the governor's home on January 1.

Nandi Governor Stephen Sang has been endorsed by elders, MCAs, community leaders and other groups to vie for a second term.

The endorsement, they said, was based on what they termed his commendable performance and development record.

He will defend his seat through the UDA party of DP William Ruto.

Sang, who is a close ally of the DP, was endorsed at his home in Nandi for New Year celebrations on January 1. More than 4,000 residents attended.

“As residents and leaders, we know your score card is good in the last  five years. So we endorse you for a second term so you can complete the projects you initiated," Deputy Speaker of the Nandi Assembly Wilson Sang said.

He is MCA for Chepkumia ward; he is not related to the governor.

Also present was assembly Minority leader Eliud Kirongo.

Kirongo said MCAs were aware Sang had implemented most of project and programmes approved by the assembly to benefit residents.

“You are fit for a second term and we urge residents to re-elect you," Sang said.

The governor expressed gratitude saying he was set to complete all the programmes he had initiated including flagship projects that require more time.

Governor Stephen Sang during the New Year party at his home in Nandi on January 1.
SANG Governor Stephen Sang during the New Year party at his home in Nandi on January 1.

“I will work with you as residents and leaders so we will achieve my target of reducing poverty and improving the livelihoods of our people”, Sang said.

The governor, who is popularly known as Tuga Tai, is credited with transforming the health sector with massive investments in expanding the Kapsabet County Referral Hospital.

Unlike previous hospitals, the new referral hospital has 10 ICU units and other critical facilities. Sang has also invested heavily in  agriculture, infrastructure and creating opportunities for youth.

However he faces criticism from some MPs and some leaders who say he has underperformed. The governor got the endorsements as his rivals for the UDA ticket also stepped up their campaigns ahead of the party primaries.

His rivals include lawyer Allan Kosgey, who is son of former powerful minister Henry Kosgey. While Allan is seeking to wrest county power from Sang, his bother Alex Kosgey, who has been MP for Emgwen, will be vying for Senate.

Also in the governor's race is former Governor Dr Clephas Lagat, finance expert Antipas Tirop and Nandi Assembly Speaker Joshua Kiptoo.

(Edited by V. Graham)

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