Stop intimidations over rejection of pending bills, MCA tells Bomet county

Kirui said that he will continue to play his oversight role to ensure that no public funds are lost

In Summary
  • Budget and Appropriation committee rejected the report after it emerged that some projects in the report did not exist
  • He said he will continue to play his oversight roles despite the threats from people who want steal tax payers' money
Kimulot MCA Eric Kirui (centre) with his Mogogosiek counterpart Ernest Rotich (right) and nominated MCA Victor Rop (left) speaks to the journalists at Bomet county assembly.
Kimulot MCA Eric Kirui (centre) with his Mogogosiek counterpart Ernest Rotich (right) and nominated MCA Victor Rop (left) speaks to the journalists at Bomet county assembly.

Bomet county MCA has warned the county government against using intimidations and threats to silence him over his stand on pending bills.

Eric Kirui, who represents Kimulot, said the county is using agencies and contractors to threaten him after the assembly rejected the pending bills report.

Kirui, who also chairs of Budget and Appropriation committee said they rejected the report after it emerged that some projects in the report did not exist.

He said he will continue to play his oversight roles despite the threats from people who want steal tax payers' money.

“It is totally wrong for security officers to threaten electorates in my ward by arresting them without any justifications. This is a clear indication that they are targeting me indirectly,” Kirui said.

“We were elected to can keep the executive in check to avoid loss of public funds,” he said.

The MCA said the Auditor General report and the senate raised concerns over Sh1.4 billion pending bills in Bomet.

He said if the issue is not taken seriously, the county will lose a lot of money.

“It was wrong for the county to misadvise contractors that we are the ones blocking their money,” Kirui said.

The chairman said the committee advised the county not to use the report forwarded by Finance executive because there were many ghost projects.

“It is the mandate of the county to pay contractors their money but they wanted to use diversionary tactics to paint the assembly in bad light,” he said.

The MCAs unanimously endorsed the report by the Budget and Appropriation committee, which stated that the findings of the five-member pending bills committee formed by the governor were "erroneous and misleading."

The ward representatives said the committee was misguided because there has been no regime change since 2020 when the issue became a concern in the county.

In the recommendations, the committee called for disciplinary actions against county officers who were involved in the fictitious expenditure.

"In the light of the concerning revelation of  fictitious expenditure, the committee strongly recommends decisive disciplinary actions against all staff without exception who participated, directly or indirectly in authorising such deceitful transactions in incomplete or non-existent projects," the report said.

They urged the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission, Auditor General and Controller of Budget to investigate the county for exaggerating the pending bills. 

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