Governor Bii seeks Sh3.5bn to complete health projects

Says when he took over office, he found heavy investments in the sector

In Summary
  • Bii also expressed support for President William Ruto’s advocacy for Universal Health Care.
  • He said the county has distributed adequate drugs worth more than Sh37 million to all hospitals in the region.
Governor for Uasin Gishu Dr Jonathan Bii speaking at his office in Eldoret
Governor for Uasin Gishu Dr Jonathan Bii speaking at his office in Eldoret

Uasin Gishu Governor Jonathan Bii says more than Sh3.5 billion is required, mostly from external funding, to complete ongoing health projects in the county.

Bii said when he took over office, he found heavy investments in the health sector in the county with projects whose cost was not commensurate with the county's budget.

He said some of the projects started just before the last election.

“Even though the projects require heavy funding which the county budget will not be able to accommodate, we have opted to work with the national government and other development partners to ensure they are completed to benefit our people,” he said.

Bii made the remarks during the opening of the Mama Rachel Ruto Maternity Hospital in Eldoret. The hospital formally known as West  Maternity, has been renamed in honour of the First Lady.

The governor said they require funding to expand the hospital to be a mother and baby facility.

He said the extra funding was required for completion of existing projects which include Kesses Level 4 hospital which needs Sh400 million for infrastructure and another Sh450 million for equipment.

Ziwa Level 5 hospital requires Sh1.2 billion for completion and Sh450 million for equipment while Moiben hospital needs Sh300 million for infrastructure and another Sh250 million equipment.

The county boss said Turbo hospital required Sh800 million for equipment, ICU and HDU units while Burnt Forest hospital requires Sh100 million.

“Health is a critical component in the lives of our people and as a county, we have budgeted what we can to complete the projects even as we seek support from the national government and other development partners,” Bii said.

The governor said the French government had donated equipment worth over Sh1 billion to the Mama Rachel Maternity Hospital.

The hospital, with a 70-bed capacity, will provide curative, maternal and child healthcare services, contributing to the reduction of maternal deaths in the region.

Bii highlighted the urgency for additional funding to complete the pending healthcare facilities.

He reiterated the county's commitment to embrace technology, including the use of drones for transporting samples from rural health facilities.

“We are on track to ensure specialised services are offered at most of our 138 hospitals, enhancing healthcare for Uasin Gishu residents,” he said.

Bii also expressed support for President William Ruto’s advocacy for Universal Health Care.

He said the county has distributed adequate drugs worth more than Sh37 million to all hospitals in the region.

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