Three West Pokot ex-officials charged with alleged misuse of Sh296M bursary funds

They denied all the charges before Chief Magistrate Dennis Mikoyani.

In Summary
  • They were charged with conspiracy to commit economic crimes, fraudulent acquisition of public property, abuse of office among others.
  • One other suspect and who is the first accused in the case was not in court.

Three former employees of West Pokot County were on Tuesday charged with 27 counts related to the alleged theft of Sh296 million meant for bursary funds in the region.

Mary Ngoriakes, Mathew Arusio and Francis Pkemoi with their lawyer Kevin Ondago in court on September 24, 2024
Mary Ngoriakes, Mathew Arusio and Francis Pkemoi with their lawyer Kevin Ondago in court on September 24, 2024

Three former employees of West Pokot County were on Tuesday charged with 27 counts related to alleged theft of Sh296 million meant for bursary funds in the region.

The three include Mary Ngoriakes who is former Education Chief Officer, Mathew Arusio who is a former County Director of bursary and Francis Pkemoi who is the former assistant county director of bursary.

The three appeared before Chief Magistrate Dennis Mikoyani in Eldoret.

They were charged with conspiracy to commit economic crimes, fraudulent acquisition of public property, abuse of office, making false documents and willful failure to comply with regulations on management of public funds.

They denied all the charges.

One other suspect and who is the first accused in the case was not in court.

Mary Ngoriakes, Mathew Arusio and Francis Pkemoi in court on September 24, 2024
Mary Ngoriakes, Mathew Arusio and Francis Pkemoi in court on September 24, 2024

Summons were issued for him to appear in court when the matter will be mentioned on October 1 for the court to decide on bond terms.

The suspects' lawyer Kevin Ondago urged the court to release the suspects on lenient bond terms arguing that they are not a flight risk and have no travel documents like passports.

“The accused are also people who have fixed abodes,” Ondago said.

The prosecution led by David Fedha and Mark Mugun said they were not opposed to bond terms but called for stiffer bonds.

“We urge the court to impose strict bond terms because of the huge amount in the 27 counts which is public funds and the matter is of public interest,” they said.

Fedha said the accused should be directed not to interfere with 89 witnesses to be called in the case.

The alleged theft occurred during the period between Financial Years 2017/2018 and 2021/2022.

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