Red Cross alarmed by prank calls on election violence

Kenya Red Cross Society members evacuate an injured woman during unrest in the post-election emergency response in Mathare 4A Nairobi, Kenya, August 12, 2017. /COURTESY
Kenya Red Cross Society members evacuate an injured woman during unrest in the post-election emergency response in Mathare 4A Nairobi, Kenya, August 12, 2017. /COURTESY

Red Cross has asked Kenyans to stop sharing fake news that is likely to spark false alarms especially amid post-poll protests.

Secretary general Abbas Gullet said they have been receiving prank distress calls for the evacuation of injured people.

Gullet said that on Sunday night, they

got reports indicating there were attacks in Mathare and Dandora areas but that this was not true.

"The calls we were receiving at our 24-hour call centre (were) telling us to pick up people who were being slaughtered, butchered and killed," he said while giving updates at Red Cross headquarters in South C, Nairobi.

"When you interrogate the callers, they have no evidence to support the claims."

The secretary general called on Kenyans, especially those on social media, to exercise restraint and verify every information and photos before sharing them.

"I urge my fellow countrymen...let us be sincere with one another. Let us be careful with what we say because it is not helping anybody," he said.

"We were on the ground on all these days and ascertained there were no killings last night."

Gullet also refuted media reports that Red Cross had given out statistics of deaths and injuries as a result of the post-poll protests.

He said the relief agency only deals with the evacuation of injured people and the provision of free medical care to casualties.

"We have not released any figures. As matter of fact, we have only handled one dead body of an eight-year-old girl killed in Mathare," he said.

"I don’t want to be quoted. It is the work of the police and other agencies to release numbers. If KNCHR has numbers let them do so."

Kenya National Commission on Human Rights said 24 people were killed across the country since protests broke out on Friday night.

NASA supporters hit the streets in Kisumu and various parts of Nairobi after IEBC declared President Uhuru Kenyatta winner of the August 8 poll.


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