Three Siakago boys jailed on probation over school unrest

Maranda High School students leave following its closure over unrest, July 4, 2018. /LAMECK BARAZA
Maranda High School students leave following its closure over unrest, July 4, 2018. /LAMECK BARAZA
Three students at Siakago Boys in Embu have been jailed for one year on probation.
Education CS Amina Mohamed on Monday said the three have been cleared from school and can only attend as day-scholars as they report to the local chief.
"I want to categorically state that the government supports Directorate of Criminal Investigations to criminalise all acts of students unrest
unrest, destruction and arson and warn the public that anyone who will be found culpable of aiding these students to cause havoc will be dealt with according to the law," she said.
The CS said 125 students from various schools have been arrested as police intensify the crackdown on masterminds of the recent cases of riots.
She said teams of Quality Assurance officers have been dispatched to these schools and School administration and Boards directed to take firm steps to ensure learning continues unaffected.
The CS said most of the students are opposed to the tough examination rules meant to stamp out cheating.
"In some


the students are put under a lot of pressure to deliver good results in the forthcoming exams and in other instances is just general indiscipline cases," she said.

Speaking to Journalists on Monday, Amina said some students have gone to an extent of getting an assurance from teachers that they will facilitate cheating in some examinations.
Amina said all boarding schools have been instructed to double the number of teachers to monitor student activities, especially during the evening and morning preps.
She said quality assurance officers have also been instructed to file daily reports on the security situations in their regions with clear explanations on any existing gaps.
At least 10 boarding secondary schools have experienced cases of unrest.
Of these, seven are arson cases that have targeted dormitories.
Maranda High School was closed indefinitely on Wednesday last week due to unrest by students who accused the administration of frustrating them.
They said their proposals, for changes including better meals and adjustments to the times for preps, had been ignored
A day later twelve non-local teachers from Chalbi Boys in Marsabit were transferred after they were assaulted by students.
Basic Education PS Belio Kipsang said the incident will be treated as a criminal activity and those found culpable will be punished.
Meru School was closed indefinitely on Monday, a day after students went on a rampage and destroyed property.
The students were released in the morning after destroying property including window panes.
The reason for the unrest was not immediately clear.
On Sunday, students of Thitha Secondary School in Igembe North rioted so the school was closed until further notice. A dormitory was burned down at the school last month.
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