Uhuru returns from US ahead of Theresa May's visit

President Uhuru Kenyatta with United Kingdom Prime Minister, Theresa May at 10 Downing street in London.Photo PSCU
President Uhuru Kenyatta with United Kingdom Prime Minister, Theresa May at 10 Downing street in London.Photo PSCU

President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected back in the country tonight from US visit ahead of the much-anticipated visit by British Prime Minister Theresa May on Thursday.

In the US, the president witnessed the signing of investment deals worth USD 238 million.

The President also secured other deals running into billions of shillings mostly for Big 4 leaning projects in housing and agro-progressing.

Kenya's ambassador to the US Njeru Githae said American companies have shown interest in Kenya's affordable housing market, one of the four pillars of President Uhuru's Big 4 development agenda.

Already a number of American companies and investors have sent representatives to Kenya to study the investment environment with a view of either scaling up their already existing investments or taking up new opportunities provided by the Big 4 agenda.

Speaking to the Voice of America (VOA) ahead of his meeting with President Trump, Uhuru said corruption has slowed down Kenya's socioeconomic transformation and vowed to intensify the on-going crackdown even as he warned his critics to keep politics out of the war against graft.

“Corruption destroys our economy. It wastes public resources, resources that could be used to buy drugs for our hospitals, construct roads, supply electricity and other essential services that Kenyans,” President Uhuru said.

He said it was disappointing to see politicians linking the war against graft to politics.

“There is no politics in the war against corruption and I urge people not to bring in politics in this. We have to fight this vice so that we stop the pilferage of public resources,” he said.

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