Keep off Machakos campaigns, CCU party warns chiefs

Secretary general says administrators being used to mobilise support for a specific candidate

In Summary

“We are aware that the provincial administration within Machakos county is being used to mobilise support on behalf of one political party in the disguise of affirmative action funds. This goes against the tenets of free and fair campaigns and elections,” Sadja said.

Chama Cha Uzalendo party secretary general Phillipe Sadja addressing the press at a Machakos hotel on Saturday, February 13, 2021
Chama Cha Uzalendo party secretary general Phillipe Sadja addressing the press at a Machakos hotel on Saturday, February 13, 2021


Administrators have been warned against engaging in the ongoing Machakos senatorial by-election campaigns for fairness to prevail.

Chama Cha Uzalendo party secretary general Phillipe Sadja on Saturday said they were aware some chiefs and their assistants were being used to mobilise support for a particular candidate in the election.

Sadja said they will write to the IEBC to ensure there is fairness for all participants in the March 18 by-election.

“We are aware that the provincial administration within Machakos county is being used to mobilise support on behalf of one political party in the disguise of affirmative action funds. This goes against the tenets of free and fair campaigns and elections,” Sadja said.

Sadja addressed the press in Machakos town.

He said the move was equal to voter bribery.

He said the party will be writing to IEBC on the matter and warned public officers to beware of the personal liability in breaching the requirements for impartiality in elections.

“Free and fair elections are the foundation of every healthy democracy, ensuring that government authority derives from the will of the people. But to have confidence that the elections are truly free and fair, voters need to be assured of more than just a well-managed campaign and day of polling,” Sadja said.

He called for transparent, inclusive and accountable campaigns that accord equal opportunities to all candidates. Eighteen contestants are seeking to replace former Machakos Senator Boniface Mutinda who died last year.

“These broad principles are buttressed by several electoral process-related obligations, as well as a number of key rights and freedoms, each of which derives from the public law."

Sadja said CCU had partnered with Maendeleo Chap Chap to campaign for Mutua Katuku as the next senator after their candidate Lily Nduku Mwanzia withdrew from the race on February 9.

Chama Cha Uzalendo party secretary general Phillipe Sadja addressing the press at a Machakos hotel on Saturday, February 13.
Chama Cha Uzalendo party secretary general Phillipe Sadja addressing the press at a Machakos hotel on Saturday, February 13.
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