Orengo hands Oguna a role as he unveils 10-member cabinet

The list is dominated by Masters and PhD holders.

In Summary

•The list which is dominated by Masters and PhD holders also contains individuals drawn from every one of the six sub-counties in the devolved unit.

•Grace Ongile, OGW, from Bondo sub-county and who has a PhD in Economics has been nominated as Orengo’s economic advisor.

Siaya governor James Orengo. Image: JOSIAH ODANGA
Siaya governor James Orengo. Image: JOSIAH ODANGA

Siaya governor James Orengo on Wednesday nominated 10 people to his cabinet and six others to serve in his office.

The list which is dominated by Masters and PhD holders also contains individuals drawn from every one of the six sub-counties in the devolved unit.


Top of the is government spokesperson Colonel (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna from Alego Usonga who has been nominated to become the Chief of Staff.

Oguna is a Master of Arts holder in International Studies.

Benjamin Isaya Agina from Gem sub-county, with a MA in International Journalism, was picked for the director of the governor’s press unit.

Grace Ongile, OGW, from Bondo sub-county and who has a PhD in Economics has been nominated as Orengo’s economic advisor.

Advocate Velma Achieng Maumo from Ugunja sub-county was recommended by the governor to become his legal advisor.

George Oloo Okanda with an MA in Media Studies and Communications will become the governor’s political advisor.

Okanda hails from the Alego Usonga sub-county.

The governor entrusted Fred Ojode Owuor from Rarieda, with a diploma in Community Health and Development holder, with his personal assistant position.

Orengo asked the chairperson of the County Public Service Board to conduct suitability tests on the foregoing six individuals and issue letters of appointment to the successful persons.

Ten individuals were nominated by Orengo to become members of the County Executive Committee.

They included Agunda Ochanda from Ugunja for Governance and Administration and Benedict Abonyo Omollo from Gem for the Finance and Economic Planning docket.

Omollo has a Master of Philosophy - Development Finance, a Master in Strategic Management and a Bachelor of Commerce, Finance Option.

Martin Odhiambo Konyango from Ugenya was proposed for the Health slot and George Odhiambo Nying’iro from Bondo for Public Works, Roads, Energy and Transport docket.

Konyango is a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery graduate whereas Nying'iro is a Master in Human Resource Management and a Bachelor of Education holder.

Sylvester Odhiambo K’Okoth from Alego Usonga was nominated for the Agriculture, irrigation and Livestock and Fisheries position.

K’Okoth has a Master of Science in Agriculture and Applied Economics.

Rarieda-born PhD holder Dr Edgar Otumba was nominated for the Education Youth Affairs Gender and Social Services docket.

Otumba has a PhD in Applied Statistics. 

Lands, Physical Planning, Housing and Urban Development has Maurice Otieno McOrege from Gem nominated for it.

Governor Orengo also nominated three women to his cabinet.

They include Dr Caroline Onyango from Alego Usonga for the Water, Sanitation, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources docket.

Dr Onyango has a PhD in Sustainability Science (Climate Change) and a bachelor's in Medicine and Surgery.

Grace Agola from Rarieda was nominated for the trade, Enterprise and Industrial Developments position. Agola has a BA in Business Administration, Finance Option.

Angeline Atieno Oduor with a BA in Mass Communication was recommended by the governor for the Tourism, Culture, Sports and Arts docket.

Oduor is from Bondo Sub-County.

In a letter to Siaya County Speaker George Okode on October 26, Orengo asked the assembly to vet and confirm the suitability of his cabinet nominees to pave way for appointments

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