Woman taken to police station for allegedly spiking drink

The woman denied having spiked the drink

In Summary
  • The man alleged that he was drinking from her club when he suddenly became drunk and the woman took his phone.
  • The man maintained that he was sure, the lady had spiked his drink.
A glass of beer next to pills
A glass of beer next to pills

A shirtless man on Tuesday dragged a woman suspected of spiking his drink and stealing from him to a police station.

In a video that has since gone viral on social media, the woman is seen seated between the man and the bodaboda person.

The woman denied having spiked his drink as alleged.

A crowd had formed and the man insisted that the bodaboda take them to the station.

On arrival at the station, the man forced her to alight from the bodaboda to go inside the police station.

He forced her to enter the station.

"I can't let you go," the man said.

The woman tried to appeal for help from the crowd.

The man alleged that he was drinking from her club when he suddenly became drunk and the woman took his phone.

"This is not the first time she has stolen, she stole a lot of money from my uncle," he said.

The man maintained that he was sure, the lady had spiked his drink.

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