Wetangula: My message to Kenyans ahead of festive season

" I want to thank Kenyans for showing great stoicism despite the myriad challenges."

In Summary
  • Indeed this was along challenging year; where we went through a hotly contested but successful General Elections, but we thank God Kenyans voted peacefully, the results were announced and we all maintained peace and tranquility.
  • I want to salute all the players in the political arena since as a country we showed great political maturity in this period.
National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula
DIPLOMACY: National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula

I take this opportunity to send a Christmas Goodwill Message to our President, H.E William Ruto and his family, MPs from both the Senate and National Assembly, Cabinet Secretaries and all Kenyans in general.

Indeed this was a long challenging year; where we went through a hotly contested but successful General election, but we thank God Kenyans voted peacefully, the results were announced and we all maintained peace and tranquillity.

I want to salute all the players in the political arena since as a country we showed great political maturity in this period.

I applaud both the Azimio team led by Raila Odinga and the Kenya Kwanza team captained by our President, H.E Dr William Ruto for conducting respectful and mature campaigns.

I also want to particularly salute the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) led by our gallant son of the soil Wafula Chebukati, for giving Kenyans a credible election.

As we enter the festive season, I want to thank Kenyans for showing great stoicism despite the myriad challenges they are facing ranging from lack of enough food, lack of adequate drinking water due to prolonged drought, some security challenges in some parts of the country, some road carnage in various parts of the country caused by some reckless drivers and many other challenges.

The challenges notwithstanding we have come to another Christmas where we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who has kept us safe and brought us this far.

I look forward to a peaceful and eventful Christmas where people with their loved ones enjoy and make merry where they can for those in hospital we wish them a quick recovery and for those who are bereaved we send our condolences and message of hope to them and their families.

In 2023 the Kenya Kwanza government looks forward to making life better and easier for everyone, in line with our Bottom-Up mantra.

We will endeavour to revamp our economy after the difficult ten years that we went through filled with challenges, especially in the Education, Agriculture and Security sectors.

I want to urge our lawmakers in the two Houses of Parliament to rise to the occasion, be patriotic and be non-partisan when it comes to legislation on issues that assist common mwananchi to improve their lives.

Back home in Western Kenya, we still have challenges in our sugar industries and the planting of maize, coffee and other crops due to the high cost of fertilizer and other issues but I have no doubt that our Kenya Kwanza government is set to address them for better yields and sustainable food security.

I also want to take this opportunity to urge motorists to be more careful this festive season, they should avoid speeding and a drunk driving at all times.

To our students who did their exams, and whose results were recently released; all the best as you seek to join your schools of choice.

I pray that you receive all the assistance that you need to join secondary school.

Our parliamentarians have had a very active three months since the August 9 General elections where they have passed several bills and have done the necessary statutory approvals for State appointments by the President for Cabinet secretaries Principal Secretaries and other office holders.

I want to encourage our Lawmakers as they come back from recess in 2023 they should come with more vigour and energy to ensure that they pass legislative programs that will make our society better.

I also would like to encourage our lawmakers to go back to their respective constituencies bond with the electorates and find out what voters want them to do.

We know that as a country we are moving to a stage in life where our environment is challenged and our president has taken the lead in countering this I want to urge all Kenyans wherever they are to embrace planting trees as 2023 begins.

Let each of us undertake to plant a minimum of one tree and a maximum of ten trees so that we may have millions of trees to resuscitate, rejuvenate and sustain our environment for future generations.

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