National Police Service calls for deputy IG applications

The commission is hiring Edward Mbugua's successor following his retirement.

In Summary
  • The commission appointed the principal assistant to the Inspector General of police Abdalla Komesha to act in Mbugua's position
  • Prospective candidates have until March 26 to submit their applications to the commission.
National Police Service Commission chairman Eliud Kinuthia during a press briefing at Westlands, Nairobi, on April 15, 2020.
SUITABLE FOR DUTY?: National Police Service Commission chairman Eliud Kinuthia during a press briefing at Westlands, Nairobi, on April 15, 2020.

The National Police Service Commission has invited applications for the Deputy Inspector General for the National Police.

The commission placed an advertisement in the local dailies on Tuesday seeking to replace Edward Mbugua who exited the service on retirement.


The NPSC says that the successful candidate must hold a bachelor's degree, be a Kenyan citizen and must have served in the police service for at least 15 years.

Prospective candidates have until March 26 to submit their applications to the commission.

On Monday, the commission appointed the principal assistant to the Inspector General of police Abdalla Komesha to act in Mbugua's position pending the recruitment.

National Police chairman Eliud Kinuthia said Komesha will act as the DIG for 14 days.

“Mr Mbugua has retried and the commission has appointed Mr Komesha as the acting DIG. We will know the way forward after 14 days,” he said.

The commission met Monday virtually for the ratification.

Mbugua had hit the 60-year retirement age two years ago but was given a contract that was to lapse in July 2023.

Kinuthia described Mbugua, 63, as a hard-working officer who had given all to his career.

“He is available for consultations on policing matters. He did his best,” he said.

Komesha had been a career DCI officer and worked with the Banking Fraud Unit for a long time.

He has worked at the National Counter Terrorism Centre in Karen. 

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