Opening servers will provide answers to Supreme Court – Sifuna

Says Azimio request is valid, it's the only way to drive the country

In Summary

• Sifuna stated opening IEBC servers is the only way to drive the country forward and provide legitimacy to any Presidency.

• He said opening the servers will provide the Supreme Court with the real truth about the elections.

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna.
Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna.
Image: FILE

Nairobi Senator Edwin Sifuna has said that Azimio's request to have the servers opened will provide real-time answers to the Supreme Court on who actually won the election.

“The Supreme Court itself would want to know what the truth is because they were blindsided on the question of the server," Sifuna said during an interview on Citizen TV on Thursday.

"They did issue an order for scrutiny and the scrutiny requires that you scrutinize every technology that was utilised. We did not get to see that happening but yet they went ahead to make the decision that they made.”

Sifuna reiterated that the Azimio request is valid, saying is the only way to drive the country past a standstill that has shaken the country to its very core.

“One of the things that we have put on the table even in the national discourse right now is that there is a way to establish with finality who won that election," Sifuna said.

"The truth is somewhere in a server that we argue is public property, and if we want to settle this truth with finality, there is a way we can ascertain that."

The senator promised that the Azimio coalition is ready to stand by and respect the actual results that will be revealed once the servers are opened.

“Once we establish the truth we in the opposition will congratulate whoever it is demonstrated to have won that election,” he said.

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga in March claimed that the Kenya Kwanza administration is afraid to open the servers because the August 9, presidential poll was rigged.

Raila insisted that a 'whistleblower' who is alleged to be an IEBC insider clearly showed how it happened.

"My people, they stole the election, the whistleblower clearly shows it. Otherwise, they’d open the server; what’s the fear? They then corrupted the Supreme Court as they did with the IEBC," Raila said.

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