In courts today: Court to hear cases against Otieno's appointment as EPZA boss

Wheels of Justice: Court cases lined up for the day

In Summary
  • The three petitions have been filed by Isaac Guyo, Willies Oloo and Duncan Odero.
  • The petitioners have cited integrity issues as the sole reason as to why Otieno's appointment should not be permitted.  

Cases challenging gazettement of Ezekiel Otieno as CEO of the Export Processing Zones Authority (EPZA) will be heard today.

Parties challenging are to highlight their submissions.

Justice Mugure Thande is to proceed with the matter virtually.

She has since consolidated three petitions challenging the same issue and an order is in place stopping Otieno's gazettement.

The three petitions have been filed by Isaac Guyo, Willies Oloo and Duncan Odero.

The petitioners have cited integrity issues as the sole reason as to why Otieno's appointment should not be permitted.

Odero for instance in his court documents claims Otieno has been involved in corruption and should be kept away from public coffers.

He cited a decision by the then head of the High court anti-corruption division Justice Hedwig Ong’udni dated September, 21, 2018 that found Otieno to have embezzled Sh.8.8 million.

He was ordered to forfeit the money to the Agency.

That decision Onyango claims has not been appealed.

It was on those grounds the court proceeded to issue the interim orders sought when the case was initially filed.

Guyo on the other hand said “EPZA being the chief government parastatal that deal with export, if mismanaged the ramification is enormous as the Kenya’s export will dwindle and subsequently the Kenya shillings will weaken against the international currency like united state dollar.”

Separately, a young refugee man who killed his uncle by stabbing him with a knife after a quarrel at Kakuma refugee camp sentenced to 2 years in prison.

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