Adrenaline rush to hearty cheer in Paris mark Ruto's week

A jovial President interacted freely with Roysambu primary pupils, fist bumped with them as they queued to be served their meal.

In Summary

•On Friday, President Ruto received electrifying applause in Champs de Mars, Paris, France which marked the climax of his diary

•Ruto had a lifetime experience this week after  Pierre-Louis Loubet, a 26-year-old rally driver, gave him the ride of his life.

President William Ruto at the 2023 WRC Safari Rally in Naivasha on June 21, 2023.
President William Ruto at the 2023 WRC Safari Rally in Naivasha on June 21, 2023.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto this week had a lifetime experience both at home ( Kenya) and in Paris.

 His week started on Monday when he stated that European Union -Kenya economic partnership agreement will put money in the pockets of Kenyan traders.

According to Ruto, the partnership will make Kenya the hub for European products in East Africa, in addition to stimulating the country's manufacturing and export of finished products.

"This will put more money in the pockets of Kenyan traders. It anchors Kenya as a natural hub for EU products to East African States," he said.

The president spoke during the signing of the EU-Kenya economic partnership agreement at State House, Nairobi.

On Tuesday, the President was the chief guest at the launch of  Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s School Feeding Programme, Dishi na County in Roysambu.

Ruto took his time and interacted with children who were taking their lunch break from classes.

A jovial President interacted freely with the pupils, fist bumped with them as they queued to be served their meal.

On Wednesday, Ruto had a lifetime experience this week after  Pierre-Louis Loubet, a 26-year-old rally driver, gave him the ride of his life.

After flagging off the seventh leg of the  2023 World Rally Circuit (WRC) in Naivasha,  Ruto changed into official rally gear and joined the driver for an inaugural drive.

"It was great, you are such a great guy, it is out of this world, I have never known something like this exists. I got into the rally car and it was quite something, my stomach almost gave way," he said.

"It was a wonderful experience, it is great really and absolute madness but it is an experience you cannot forget. The speed, you can hardly see the road, the bents and they are really professional," Ruto added.

President William Ruto with President Emmanuel Macron of France during the Global Financial Pact Summit in Paris, France on June 22,2023.
President William Ruto with President Emmanuel Macron of France during the Global Financial Pact Summit in Paris, France on June 22,2023.
Image: PCS

On Thursday, Ruto arrived in was in Paris, France and attended a roundtable meeting during the New Global Financial Pact Summit.

The President made an intervention at the round table on evolving the model of multilateral development banks to address the 21st-century challenge. 

On Friday, President Ruto received electrifying applause in Champs de Mars, Paris, France which marked the climax of his diary

Cheers, claps, and admiration is what he got during his Global address in Paris, France.

While addressing thousands of youth on Climate Change and Financing, in every sentence the Head of State made, the young scholars clapped and cheered, showing warmth and love.

“I see the solutions and the future. It requires solidarity, strength, equity and when I see you I see a great future. We have the necessary technology. We have it in our power to make it right,” Ruto said amid cheers from the crowd.

He also called on a new global financial model that supports climate-positive growth that is fit for purpose.

“We want a financial system that supports climate-positive growth and green industrial growth powered by renewable resources to help us decarbonize,” Ruto said.

Still on the same day, the Head of State made various appointments under the State Corporations Act and the Sports Act which were also accompanied by revocations. 

Ruto named Elizabeth Chesang as the chairperson of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities, revoking Peter Muchiri's appointment. 

Sakwa Bunyasi was appointed the chairperson of the Board of Directors of the Kenya Development Corporation while Geoffrey Mutai was gazetted as the Non-Executive chairperson of Kenya Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Council for a period of three years. 

Peter Munyiri Maina is to be the chairperson of the National Standards Council from June 23 to January 19, 2026 while  Peter Njuguna Gitau will serve as the chairperson of the Board of Directors of Sports Kenya. 

The President jetted back into the country on Saturday and had a quiet weekend.

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