We're coming after cops who teargassed protesting lawyers - LSK

He termed the actions of the police as reckless and irresponsible.

In Summary

• He said the lawyers were only exercising their constitutional rights.

• The lawyers had spilled into the streets early Thursday to demand the transfer of the County lands boss when police in riot gear forced them to disperse.

LSK president Eric Theuri during an exclusive interview with the Star in the past.
LSK president Eric Theuri during an exclusive interview with the Star in the past.
Image: FILE

Law Society of Kenya President Eric Theuri now says that they will take action against police officers who lobbed teargas at protesting lawyers in Kisii Town.

In a statement on Friday, Theuri termed the actions of the police as reckless and irresponsible and said they will be held liable, individually.

He said the lawyers were only exercising their constitutional rights.

"We have expressed our disappointment with the manner in which our members expressing their constitutional right to protest were tear gassed and maimed in Kisii. We are going to personally pursue the police officers who engaged in these reckless and irresponsible acts," he said.

He said what the police were supposed to do was to provide security during the protests.

Lawyers in Kisii were Thursday teargassed, cutting short a planned demo against county lands boss Charles Ayienda.

The lawyers were in the streets early Thursday to demand the transfer of the County lands boss when police in riot gear forced them to disperse.

The lawyers said they were unhappy with some of the changes Ayienda has made in the regional lands office since his transfer to the region months ago.

They are especially against the orders demanding them to produce a court order for issuance of certified copies of documents including but not limited to registry index maps and mutations during land search.

They are also required to produce the original gazette notices, documents used for conducting the succession process and the presence of beneficiaries.

The demands are contained in a two-page petition submitted to Ayienda on Friday last week.

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