Kindiki warns against chaos during Azimio's Wednesday protests

Says security officers have orders to deal with anyone breaking the law

In Summary

• The CS affirmed that they were not going to allow anyone threatening to make the country ungovernable, saying they will be dealt with decisively.

• "For those threatening to make the country ungovernable through mayhem, looting, chaos, and bloodshed on Wednesday, we dare you," he added.

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki addressing the public in Lamu o June 16, 2023.
Interior CS Kithure Kindiki addressing the public in Lamu o June 16, 2023.

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has fired a warning shot at those planning to cause violence during the planned protests by Azimio Coalition on Wednesday.

He said the ministry has ordered security officers to deal with such persons in accordance with the law.

"On Wednesday, security officers are under firm instruction to deal with those disrupting peace, destroying property, and injuring people," he said.

The CS affirmed that they were not going to allow anyone threatening to make the country ungovernable, saying they will be dealt with decisively.

"For those threatening to make the country ungovernable through mayhem, looting, chaos, and bloodshed on Wednesday, we dare you," he added.

The CS was speaking in Meru County on Monday. 

He said six people lost their lives during Friday's Saba Saba demonstrations, while several police officers were injured.

This comes a day after he urged officers to refrain from interfering with persons who are demonstrating as so long as they do so peacefully. 

"We ask our police officers to be moderate with crowd control. If the protesters are not armed, let them proceed. If they are not breaking into shops or hurting anyone, let them express themselves," he said. 

Speaking on Sunday during a security meeting with the residents of Tharaka Nithi, he warned that any officers taking advantage of the chaotic scenes to break the law will be singled out and punished. 

"There are a number of our colleagues in the security department, few of them who abuse their power and that will not be allowed," he said.

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