Relent not! Kabando tells Raila over Maandamano

His remarks come after Raila launched second phase of protests on Friday.

In Summary
  • The former MP insisted that if not for a miracle, the only thing that will save President William Ruto's regime is radical changes.
  • He said Kenyans particularly want the cost of living to come down.
Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando.
Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando.
Image: FILE

Former Mukurweini MP Kabando wa Kabando has asked Azimio leader Raila Odinga not to stop with the protests.

According to Kabando, this is because Raila has the support of the majority of Kenyans.

He said Kenyans particularly want the cost of living to come down.

The former MP said if not for a miracle, the only thing that will save President William Ruto's regime, is radical changes.

"Dear Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga: Relent NOT!, a whooping majority of Kenyans are right behind #CostOfLivingCrisis #Maandamano. Barring a miracle, only immediate radical concessions from Ruto can save his erratic and hugely unpopular noxious UDA regime. Wednesday 12/7, here we come!" Kabando said.

His remarks come a few days after the Opposition officially began the second phase of protests after the bipartisan talks that ended the first phase collapsed.

The protests began on Friday, soon after the Saba Saba rally held at the Kamukunji Grounds led by Raila.

The protests were also held in various parts of the country, especially, areas deemed to be Azimio strongholds.

Azimio later announced that the next round of demos will be held on Wednesday, July 12.

In a press briefing read by National Assembly Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi, which was attended by ODM leader Raila Odinga, Azimio said they will not stop until they are heard.

"We have simply notified you (police)that come next Wednesday the whole country will come to a standstill as Kenyans of all walks of life participate in massive demonstrations in every width and breadth of the country," he said. 

He added that the demonstrations in Nairobi will be preceded by a rally at Kamukunji grounds. 

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