Police lob teargas to disperse protesters in Mombasa

Roads, businesses remained deserted with shops closed for better part of Wednesday morning

In Summary

•The police had barricaded Moi Avenue road to block the protestora from accessing the Central Business District.

•Demonstrators have been engaging police in running battles across the streats for about two hours now

Police lob teargas to disperse protestors in Mombasa
Police lob teargas to disperse protestors in Mombasa

Mombasa police have been forced to lob teargas to disperse anti-government protesters.

The police had barricaded Moi Avenue road to block the protesters from accessing the Central Business District.

The demonstrators have been engaging police in running battles across the streets for about two hours and OCS Bor had earlier asked them to disperse peacefully saying that protests were not allowed anywhere in Mombasa.

"Yes you have the right to demonstrate, but no demonstration is allowed anywhere in Mombasa," OCS Bor said.

"I urge you to disperse and go home peacefully."

Roads and businesses remained deserted with shops closed for the better part of Wednesday morning ahead of expected demonstrations over the high cost of living.

Police remained vigilant keeping watch and ready to disperse any demonstrators as the Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome declared the demos illegal.

Azimio leaders in Mombasa led by Mombasa senator Mohammed Faki had notified the central police station of their planned peaceful demonstration, but they were declined a permit on Tuesday.

Other leaders present included Kisauni MP Rashid Bedzimba, County Woman rep Zamzam Mohammed, Jomvu Mp Badi Twalib and a host of Mombasa MCAs and civil right groups.

Last week, police in the region had to also use teargas to disperse the demonstrators.

Police engage protesters in Mombasa on Wednesday
Police engage protesters in Mombasa on Wednesday
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