Lobby condemns teargassing of school children during protests

They called for for probe into the circumstances that led to the use of tear gas inside a school.

In Summary

• She added that justice must prevail for the affected pupils, teachers and families.

• She further said the quest for justice and expression of grievances should never come at the expense of innocent lives or property.

The pupils were taken to Eagle Nursing Home.
The pupils were taken to Eagle Nursing Home.

The National Gender and Equality Commission (NGEC) has condemned the teargassing of pupils of Kihumbuini Primary School in Kangemi.

On Wednesday, over 50 pupils were rushed to hospital after the police lobbed teargas in their classroom during anti-government protests.

In a statement released on Thursday, NGEC chairperson Joyce Mutinda said she strongly denounces the teargassing of innocent school children.

“It is a barefaced violation of Article 53 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 which provides children with protection and guarantees their safety in all circumstances,” Mutinda said.

“Furthermore, Kenya is bound by international law to uphold the rights of children during times of civil conflict, underscoring the gravity of this incident.”

Mutinda called for an exhaustive and independent investigation into the circumstances that led to the use of tear gas inside a school.

“The Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) must commence this inquiry and ensure that those responsible for such abhorrent actions are held accountable for their misconduct,” she said.

She said the safety and well-being of children must never be compromised under any circumstances.

She added that justice must prevail for the affected pupils, teachers and families.

She further said the quest for justice and expression of grievances should never come at the expense of innocent lives or property.

“While the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 upholds the right to peaceful assembly and demonstration as a means to petition authorities on matters of public interest, such rights must be exercised responsibly and without violating the rights of others,” Mutinda said.

Mutinda urged the government and all relevant stakeholders to prioritize the protection of human rights, especially during protests.

“We stand firm in our commitment to advocate for equality, justice, and the well-being of all individuals, particularly the most vulnerable members of society,” Mutinda said.

“NGEC condemns any act of violence, vandalism, looting, or discrimination perpetrated during the demonstrations.”

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