We shall not be intimidated, Mudavadi tells Azimio

"They lost elections and through the law got a chance at the Supreme Court and lost their chance as well."

In Summary

• He said those who planned the chaos should prepare to face the law as soon as investigations are concluded.

• He said the Azimio coalition is using the Finance Act as an excuse to push for a share of government after losing the battle at both the ballot and the Supreme Court.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during the Thanksgiving ceremony for Tongaren MP, John Chikati in Bunambo, Bungoma county on June 30, 2023.
Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi during the Thanksgiving ceremony for Tongaren MP, John Chikati in Bunambo, Bungoma county on June 30, 2023.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi has said the Azimio coalition is using the Finance Act as an excuse to push for a share of government after losing the battle at both the ballot and the Supreme Court.

In a press conference on Thursday in Diani, Kwale county, Mudavadi said the opposition has failed to table a parallel budget that would give alternative revenue raising proposals. 

"This is a tactic they have used before that after elections, people cause trouble so that they are given nusu mkate. They have not released their parallel budget, it's just chaos," Mudavadi said. 

He said the government will not be intimidated into submission by the opposition which he accused of orchestrating economic sabotage.

"We will stand firm as a country. The government will not be intimidated into submission. They lost elections and through the law got a chance at the Supreme Court and lost their chance as well."

The Prime CS said as a result of the court case against the implementation of the Finance Act, 2023, the government stands to lose Sh235 billion a year.

"It's now 11 months since we had elections, what kind of sleep are these people having that they haven't realised elections are over?" he posed.

"Our assignment is to collect revenue and pay off our debts which they are delaying through injunctions against implementation of the Finance Act. As Kenyans ask them, 'Where do you want the government to get money to offer citizen services?"

Mudavadi was responding to events of Wednesday where Azimio supporters held countrywide demonstrations causing havoc, destruction and looting of property.

He said those who planned the chaos should prepare to face the law as soon as investigations are concluded.

"This is a highway for destroying our country, it is a highway we are familiar with by these Azimio leaders to play their games so that they are invited to a power sharing pact," Mudavadi said.

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