Gachagua: State to begin new registration of farmers for fertilizer

He said the fresh registration targets farmers who were not put in the system initially.

In Summary

• He further said President William Ruto has directed the National Treasury and National Cereals and Produce Board to allocate adequate funds for the purchase of the maize, promising faster payments.

• The DP said the only way to bring the cost of living down is through enhancing productivity in the farms and reducing the cost of production.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.
Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.
Image: DPCS

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has said the government will begin a fresh phase of registration of farmers as it distributes subsidised fertilizers.

Speaking on Saturday during a visit to the North Rift, Gachagua said the fresh registration targets farmers who were not put in the system initially.

"We are now commencing phase two of the registration of fertilizers. People should get registered to get subsidized fertilizers," Gachagua said.

The DP presided over a fundraiser in aid of 10 ACK churches at St Mark ACK Church, Lolkerieny in Nandi Hills.

He also flagged off the distribution of subsidised fertilizer at Kobujoi National Cereals and Produce Board depot in the Aldai constituency.

Gachagua said the subsidy programme has been a success adding that farmers who benefitted from the initial phase are bound to record a bumper harvest this year.

"This year, we will have a bumper harvest from the maize farms. Right now, we are looking for enough maize dryers so that farmers easily get access to them. The government and farmers will share the cost of drying maize," he said.

He further said President William Ruto has directed the National Treasury and National Cereals and Produce Board to allocate adequate funds for the purchase of the maize, promising faster payments.

"The prices will be better and we will pay within 48 hours so we deal with brokers and cartels," he said.

He added that the government will work with the governors to ensure the success of the programme.

The government has reduced the prices of 50kg of fertilizers from Sh7000 to Sh2,500, Gachagua said.

The DP said the only way to bring the cost of living down is through enhancing productivity in the farms and reducing the cost of production.

He also affirmed the government's partnership with the church in delivering the administration's development agenda.

"Our leadership has come from God. We are Christians and we have worked with the church for a long time. We will always be at the forefront of building churches," he said.

He also said Ruto's administration had disbursed all the pending allocations for counties and constituencies challenging elected leaders to focus on and serve the people.

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