It is backward! Ruto tells off Azimio over servers yet again

"The focus for government is to deliver pledges they promised during campaign period."

In Summary

• Ruto said Kenyans woke up early on August 9, 2022 and cast their ballots across all six electoral seats and there's nothing else left to be finalised about the elections.

• The Azimio coalition under Raila Odinga's leadership has since the presidential polls claimed that they won the elections with 8.1 million votes against Ruto's 5.9.

President William Ruto is welcomed by CoG chair Anne Waiguru and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga on arrival at the Eldoret Sports Club to officially open the Devolution Conference, Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
President William Ruto is welcomed by CoG chair Anne Waiguru and Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga on arrival at the Eldoret Sports Club to officially open the Devolution Conference, Wednesday, August 16, 2023.
Image: PCS

President William Ruto has reaffirmed government's position that there is no room for the opening of poll servers as demanded by the Azimio coalition as elections are a done and dusted matter.

Speaking in Eldoret town on Wednesday ahead of the opening of the devolution conference, Ruto said Kenyans woke up early on August 9, 2022, and cast their ballots across all six electoral seats and there's nothing else left to be finalised about the elections.

"So bado tunaulizana nini? Tunaulizana nini na hawa watu wanatuambia sijui server sijui nini," Ruto said.

The President said the focus for the government and all elected leaders is to deliver the pledges they promised during the campaign period not to demand that poll servers be opened.

"Hawa ambao bado wanatuuliza maserver wanatafuta ati mambo ya viongozi nataka niwaambie, it is very insensitive, in fact, it is backward for anybody to continue arguing about what is in it for leaders," Ruto said.

"It is time we discuss what is in it for the people of Kenya." 

He was addressing crowds of people on the streets of Eldoret on his way to the Eldoret Sports Club.

The Azimio coalition under Raila Odinga's leadership has since the presidential polls claimed that they won the elections with 8.1 million votes against Ruto's 5.9.

This is despite the Supreme Court affirming the final results announced by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on August 15, 2022, as being credible.

The poll agency said Ruto won the contest with 7.1 million votes against Raila's 6.9 million.

Raila and his allies have, however, insisted that for the truth about who won the elections to be verified, IEBC servers must be opened for forensic analysis.

Ruto, however, ruled out any chance of that ever happening saying elections are over.

His remarks come even as the Kenya Kwanza side and Azimio are engaging in new talks in a bid to iron out their differences including reconstitution of the IEBC, the cost of living, and respect for the autonomy of opposition parties.

"Na hatuwezi kuendelea kuongea mambo ya viongozi. Sahizi tuongee mambo ya wananchi. Viongozi walimaliziwa na wananchi wakati wananchi walipiga kura," he said.

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